The next annual meeting, again a joint one with the Austrian Physical Society (ÖPG), will take place from 27 - 30 August 2019 at the Universität Zürich (UZH), with pre-conference workshops on Quantum Machine Learning on 26 August. Renowned invited speakers will give plenary talks during each of the morning sessions, topical parallel sessions will allow in depth discussions during the afternoons, and a poster exhibition will complement the scientific program.
The scientific program is further enriched by the direct contributions of Association MaNEP (Materials with Novel Electronic Properties), the NCCR QSIT (Quantum Science and Technology) and the Swiss Society for Neutron Science (SGN), leading to an exciting conference, covering latest advancements of physics in a wide range of fields at its best.
Abstract Submission Deadline extended: 17 May 2019
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Registration Deadline extended: 11 August 2019
Note: With submitting an abstract you are NOT automatically registered. Use the registration form to do so.