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26–30 Aug 2019
Universität Zürich
Europe/Zurich timezone

【646】Cavity-mediated fermionization of long-range interacting bosons

28 Aug 2019, 19:00
1h 30m


Poster MaNEP Session: Correlations and topology in quantum matter Poster Session


Mr Paolo Molignini (ETH Zürich)


We investigate and compare few-particle one-dimensional bosonic and fermionic gases with infi?nite-range interactions induced by a laser-driven dissipative optical cavity by computing density distributions and correlation functions. With increasing cavity-atom coupling, both types of gases self-organize into a one-dimensional lattice structure with diff?erent site occupations. As the cavity-mediated light-matter interactions are increased further, the bosons progressively occupy the outer lattice sites and eventually completely localize into highly-correlated single-particle states. At this stage, the correlation functions and density fluctuations of the bosonic gas are indistinguishable from the fermionic ones. We comment on the interplay between contact and cavity-mediated interaction on the emergence of fermionization. Finally, we suggest experimental regimes where our theoretical ?findings could be tested.

Primary authors

Mr Paolo Molignini (ETH Zürich) Dr Camille Lévêque (University of Vienna, TU Wien) Dr Hans Keßler (Universität Hamburg) Dr Chitra Ramasubramanian (ETH Zürich) Dr Axel Lode (University of Vienna, TU Wien)

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