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26–30 Aug 2019
Universität Zürich
Europe/Zurich timezone

【545】Towards spin-squeezing a solid

30 Aug 2019, 12:45
G 60

G 60

Talk Quantum Science and Technology Quantum Science and Technology


Dr Krzysztof T. Kaczmarek (University of Geneva)


The quantum-to-classical transition is one of the great frontiers of pure physics research. Generating large and long-lived entanglement is a path to exploring it. To reach this path we are using large ensembles of rare-earth ions doped into transparent crystals. Due to their appealing optical and microwave transitions, combined with unparalleled coherence properties, they have been a strong candidate for studying macroscopic entanglement. Here, we try to push the “macroscopicity” of the entangled state, both in atom number and coherence time, by spin-squeezing a large ensemble of Europium ions doped into Y2SiO5. To achieve this, we implement quantum non-demolition measurements on our solid-state system, using a frequency-domain optical interferometer. The generated spin-squeezed states will also be invaluable to quantum sensing.

Primary authors

Dr Krzysztof T. Kaczmarek (University of Geneva) Géraldine Haack (Université de Genève) Dr Jean Etesse (University of Geneva) Dr Alexey Tiranov (University of Geneva) Florian Fröwis (Group of Applied Physics, University of Geneva) Mr Tamás Kriváchy (University of Geneva) Prof. Nicolas Gisin (University of Geneva) Dr Mikael Afzelius (University of Geneva)

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