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26–30 Aug 2019
Universität Zürich
Europe/Zurich timezone

【553】Optimal Control of Superconducting Qubits

28 Aug 2019, 19:00
1h 30m


Poster Quantum Science and Technology Poster Session


Mr Max Werninghaus (IBM Research Zurich)


Fast and accurate two-qubit gates are a key requirement to perform complex algorithms on current quantum computers. Typical gates have errors less than 5% and take around 200ns. Shorter gates result in unwanted leakage out of the computational subspace. Optimal control theory aims to design fast control pulses that suppress side effects such as cross talk and leakage. However, even with an accurately calibrated system model, control pulses require a tune-up to accommodate for parameter drifts and model inaccuracies. Here, we present our work on methods to simultaneously calibrate control pulses defined by up to 20 parameters. We improve the interplay between the control instruments and the multidimensional optimization algorithms to reduce the hardware constraints to realize efficient tune-up feedback-loops.

Primary authors

Mr Max Werninghaus (IBM Research Zurich) Mr Federico Roy (Saarland University) Dr Daniel Egger J. (IBM Research Zurich) Marc Ganzhorn (IBM Research Zurich) Dr Shai Machnes (Saarland University) Prof. Frank Wilhelm-Mauch (Saarland University) Dr Stefan Filipp (IBM Research Zurich)

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