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26–30 Aug 2019
Universität Zürich
Europe/Zurich timezone

【556】Investigating noise sources with a triple quantum dot charge qubit

28 Aug 2019, 19:00
1h 30m


Poster Quantum Science and Technology Poster Session


Mr Benedikt Kratochwil (ETH Zürich )


We implement a single electron charge qubit in a gate defined linear triple dot array on a GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure [1,2]. The qubit is strongly dipole-coupled to photons in a high impedance frequency tunable superconducting resonator. We operate the qubit at a higher order sweet spot along one of the detuning axes. Measuring the qubit coherence for different qubit configurations we acquire information about the dominant noise source in our system.

[1] A. J. Landig et al.,arXiv: 1903.04022 (2019)
[2] J. V. Koski et al, Manuscript in preparation

Primary author

Mr Benedikt Kratochwil (ETH Zürich )


Dr Jonne Koski (ETH Zürich) Mr Andreas Landig (ETH Zürich) Dr Pasquale Scarlino (ETH Zürich) Mr José Abadillo-Uriel (University of Wisconsin-Madison) Dr Christian Reichl (ETH Zürich) Prof. Werner Wegscheider (ETH Zürich) Prof. Susan Coppersmith (University of New South Wales) Dr Mark Friesen (University of Wisconsin-Madison) Prof. Andreas Wallraff (ETH Zürich) Prof. Klaus Ensslin (ETH Zürich) Prof. Thomas Ihn (ETH Zürich)

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