Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

26–30 Aug 2019
Universität Zürich
Europe/Zurich timezone

【169】Orbit of an oscillating scanning probe microscope tip

28 Aug 2019, 19:00
1h 30m


Poster Condensed Matter Physics (KOND) Poster Session


Ms Lorena Niggli (University of Zurich)


The ability to resolve individual bonds within a single molecule represents one of the greatest feats of atomic force microscopy (AFM). The imaging mechanism is based on a functionalized tip that dynamically responds to tip-sample interactions. However, these interactions depend on a convolution of sample and tip that puts aspects of the tip's behavior into focus. Here we demonstrate how to trace the orbit of an oscillating AFM-STM tip in three dimensions. We construct the tip-trajectory by applying voltage pulses at varying phases within the oscillation cycle. Lateral shifts in topographic features indicate a skewed oscillation or a dynamical tilting of the functional tip unit. Our method allows to control aspects of AFM imaging and spectroscopy.

Primary author

Ms Lorena Niggli (University of Zurich)


Fabian Natterer (University of Zurich)

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