26–30 Aug 2019
Universität Zürich
Europe/Zurich timezone

【303】Design of the detection system for the measurement of the hyperfine splitting in muonic hydrogen

27 Aug 2019, 14:30
G 55

G 55

Talk Nuclear, Particle- and Astrophysics (TASK) Nuclear, Particle- & Astrophysics


Laura Sinkunaite (Paul Scherrer Institute)


Muonic hydrogen is a bound-state of a negative muon and a proton. Since a muon is 207 times heavier than an electron, the energy levels of muonic hydrogen are very sensitive to the nuclear structure. By means of laser spectroscopy, we are aiming at the measurement of the ground-state hyperfine splitting to extract the two-photon exchange contribution and the Zemach radius of the proton. This experiment is being conducted at Paul Scherrer Institute and it requires designing a detector system capable of measuring the MeV-energy X-rays produced by the muonic atoms. In this talk we will introduce the simulations and the initial laboratory tests of the detection system. Work supported by SNF project 200021_165854 and ERC CoG. #725039.


Laura Sinkunaite (Paul Scherrer Institute) Dr Aldo Antognini (Paul Scherrer Institute; ETH Zürich) Dr Malte Hildebrandt (Paul Scherrer Institute) Prof. Klaus Kirch (Paul Scherrer Institute; ETH Zürich) Dr Andreas Knecht (Paul Scherrer Institute) Dr Franz Kottmann (ETH Zürich) Miroslaw Marszalek (Paul Scherrer Institute) Jonas Nuber (ETH Zürich) Dr Elisa Rapisarda (Paul Scherrer Institute) Dr Karsten Schuhmann (ETH Zürich) Ivo Schulthess (ETH Zürich) Dr Anna Soter (Paul Scherrer Institute) Dr David Taqqu (ETH Zürich) Manuel Zeyen (ETH Zürich) on behalf of CREMA collaboration

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