26–30 Aug 2019
Universität Zürich
Europe/Zurich timezone

【304】Thin-Disk Laser for the Measurement of the Hyperfine-Splitting in Muonic Hydrogen

27 Aug 2019, 14:45
G 55

G 55

Talk Nuclear, Particle- and Astrophysics (TASK) Nuclear, Particle- & Astrophysics


Manuel Zeyen (ETHZ - ETH Zurich)


The magnetic (Zemach) radius of the proton can be determined from the ground-state hyperfine splitting (HFS) of muonic hydrogen (bound state between muon and proton). At PSI, Switzerland, we aim to measure this HFS at the ppm level by means of laser spectroscopy.
Since a high laser fluence at an unusual wavelength (6.8 micrometer) is required to excite the HFS, a novel laser system will be developed. Its back bone is a thin-disk laser insensitive to thermal lens effects, delivering single-frequency pulses at 1030 nm with hundreds of mJ which will be converted to 6.8 micrometer via non-linear conversion stages. We will present results related to the thin-disk laser development.
Work supported by SNF project 200021_165854 and ERC CoG. #725039.


Manuel Zeyen (ETHZ - ETH Zurich) Aldo Antognini (Paul Scherrer Institute) Miroslaw Marszalek (Paul Scherrer Institut) Karsten Schuhmann (ETH Zürich) Laura Sinkunaite

Presentation materials