28–29 May 2019
LAL, building 200, Orsay campus
Europe/Zurich timezone

General Information

What is the PHENIICS Fest about?

The PHENIICS Fest is just an opportunity for PhD students of the PHENIICS doctoral school to gather, share their work and meet other students!

During those two days, a lot will happen:

  • Students interested in sharing their work can either make a talk or a poster (see below).
  • We will have a talk and poster contest, so don't hesitate to make one in order to win one of our 4 tempting prizes! A vote and a jury will be constituted for the occasion.
  • social dinner is currently being organized for the end of our gathering: you will be asked to indicate if you plan on coming at your registration.
  • We will have one guest speaker! The researcher Robert Mochkovitch, working at the Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris (IAP) on the evolution of white dwarfs and the physics of gamma-ray bursts. Don't miss his talk!
  • And more...


All students have the opportunity to contribute to the PHENIICS Fest:

  • You're just starting your PhD? You are then invited to make a poster about your work: present the scientific context and what you plan to do for the next years.
  • If you're a 2nd year, we propose that you make a 15-minute talk, just like in a conference, and 5-min questions.
  • For the senior PhD students in their 3rd year, we know you are busy writing your thesis, so how about being the chairman of a session or make a poster?

This is our preferred organisation but of course, if you absolutely want to give a speech instead of a poster or the other way around, tell us!

Reminder : the role of a chairman is to introduce each talk of the session, to check that the speaker does not exceed the 15 minutes and to lead the question time.

Please take into account the fact that we all work in different domains (nuclear, medical physics, accelators...). Your talk/poster must be as pedagogical as possible and in English!