spring workshop on gravity and cosmology

from Thursday 16 May 2019 (08:00) to Friday 17 May 2019 (22:45)
University of Warsaw

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
16 May 2019
17 May 2019
inflation and PBH -Dr Chunshan Lin (University of Warsaw) (until 13:30) (0.06)
09:30 Merger rate of primordial black hole binaries:I - 須山輝明 Suyama   (0.06)
10:30 --- Coffee break ---
11:00 Merger rate of primordial black hole binaries:II - 須山輝明 Suyama   (0.06)
12:00 --- short break ---
12:15 Early Universe Models in Light of the Swampland Constraints - Prof. Robert Brandenberger (McGill University)   (0.06)
Inflation and PBH (III) - Krzysztof Turzynski (University of Warsaw) (until 22:45) (2.62)
09:00 Numerical simulation of Primordial Black Holes - Albert Escrivà   (2.62)
09:30 Primordial Black Holes abundance - Cristiano Germani   (2.62)
10:15 --- coffee break ---
10:45 Failure of the stochastic approach to inflation beyond slow-roll - Diego Cruces (ICC. UB)   (2.62)
11:15 Inflationary correlators from the stochastic spectral expansion - Mr Tommi Markkanen   (2.62)
12:00 free discussion   (2.62)
12:30 --- lunch break ---
14:00 Properties of the primordial power spectrum for PBH production - Ioannis Dalianis ( NTU Athens)   (2.62)
14:45 --- coffee break ---
15:15 Oscillations that mimick weak lensing - Guillem Domenech (uni. heidelberg)   (2.62)
16:00 free discussion   (2.62)
Inflation and PBH (II) - Chunshan Lin (until 18:30) (O.06)
14:30 Stochastic inflation beyond slow roll - David Wands (ICG)   (O.06)
15:15 Stochastic Inflation and Primordial Black Holes - Vincent Vennin (APC Paris)   (O.06)
16:00 --- coffee break ---
16:30 Testing PBHs by gravitational-wave observations - 須山輝明 Suyama   (O.06)
17:15 free discussion   (O.06)