5–7 May 2020
LPSC Grenoble
Europe/Zurich timezone

Axions++ workshop postponement
Dear Participant to the axions++ workshop [Grenoble, 5-7 May, 2020], 
due to the present circumstances, we are forced to postpone the workshop. 
New dates are not yet fixed. We will keep you informed. We will do our best to reschedule the workshop for 2020. 
With best wishes, 
The organizers

Light spin-0 particles are ubiquitous in extensions of the Standard Model. The probably best-known instance are axions, advocated to solve the strong-CP problem. Those are hypothetical CP-odd scalar particles, whose mass is protected by shift symmetries, causing them to remain naturally light and to have suppressed couplings to ordinary matter. As well-known, these particles may well play a cosmological role, and could represent a sizable component of Dark Matter.

A further, general argument in favour of the existence of light spinless particles is furnished by string theories, whose vacuum generally features several moduli describing the geometric properties of the extra spacial dimensions. Thus, the relevance of such particles branches out from collider physics, to astrophysics, to cosmology, to formal aspects.

The workshop aims at representing some of the most interesting recent developments on this exciting, active, interdisciplinary subject of research.

The workshop is structured into a one-day mini-school (on Tue 5), covering a selected number of subjects, followed by two days of talks. Such format is intended to maximize the dialogue between the theoretical and the experimental communities, and to actively involve students.

Confirmed lecturers include:

  • Pascal Anastasopoulos (Vienna), "Formal aspects of axion physics"
  • Pierre Fayet (ENS Paris), "New light spin-1 particles" [TBC]
  • Enrico Nardi (Frascati), "Axions: an interface between particle physics and cosmology"
  • Maxim Pospelov (Perimeter), "Detecting light scalars: challenges and opportunities"
  • Frank Steffen (MPI), "New experimental avenues towards light spinless particles"

This event is organized, jointly by LPSC Grenoble and LAPTh Annecy, within the context of the GDR Intensity Frontier, with support from the ERC nEDM, from the CPTGA and from the IDEX Université Grenoble Alpes "Initiatives de recherche stratégiques" pragma-Higgs.

This workshop is a follow-up to the very successful 2018 edition : The strong CP puzzle and axions.

Videos of lectures and talks will be available after the conference.

LPSC Grenoble
53 avenue des Martyrs, 38000 GRENOBLE