
Developing the EOSC portal for the benefits of the user communities

20 Jun 2019, 11:30
Tallink Spa & Conference Hotel (Tallinn)

Tallink Spa & Conference Hotel


Sadama 11a, Tallinn


Moderated by Jelena Angelis, EFIS Centre – eInfraCentral

Emanuele Storti – EURODOC / European Council for Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers
Lennart Stoy – European University Association
Alasdair Reid, EFIS Centre – eInfraCentral and CatRIS
Tiziana Ferrari, EGI Foundation – EOSC-hub

The EOSC Portal is set up to become a reference point for millions of European researchers looking for scientific applications, research data exploitation platforms, research data discovery platforms, data management and compute services, computing and storage resources as well as thematic and professional services.
Having said that, during numerous stakeholder events in 2018, the topic of user-centric approach to portal creation was stressed on almost all occasions.
This panel aspires to bring together end-users, user-focused research infrastructures, eInfrastructure service providers and research infrastructures, in order to discuss the key elements of a user-centric approach in building the EOSC Portal.

Presentation materials

Building timetable...