Building Open Science in Europe: The road ahead for EU Member States and the EOSC community

Tallink Spa & Conference Hotel (Tallinn)

Tallink Spa & Conference Hotel


Sadama 11a, Tallinn

eInfraCentral invites researchers from public and private sectors, e-infrastructure service providers, research infrastructures and policy-makers to the EOSC community event on 20 June in Tallinn and Estonia.

Funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, eInfraCentral is one of the key building blocks in the implementation of the EOSC Portal. Since January 2017, EFIS Centre, JNP, University of Athens, Leibniz University Hannover and five major European e-infrastructures EGI, EUDAT, GÉANT, OpenAIRE, and PRACE has worked together in developing a service catalogue for European e-infrastructures and e-services. The mission behind this work is to ensure that by 2020 a broader and more varied set of users (including industry) discovers and accesses the existing and developing e-infrastructure capacity.

On 20 June 2019 we invite you all to take a forward-looking view and discuss the road ahead for the EOSC community in Europe and in the EU Member States. The programme was this event was developed by eInfraCentral in consultation with other EOSC-related projects such as EOSC-hub and

Tallinn as a location was chosen not by accident and not only because TNC19 will be happening there the same week. Estonia has an ambitious vision “of becoming a safe e-state with automatic e-services available 24/7” and Tallinn is one of the smartest cities in Europe. 

Achieving success in this digital transformation revolves around three keywords: accessibility, interoperability, and user-friendliness, all what the eInfraCentral team and the community strove to achieve in building the EOSC Catalogue!

This event is free of charge and is conveniently located close to TNC19. 

See you soon in Tallinn! Kohtumiseni Tallinnas!

eInfraCentral event pictures
Contact eInfraCentral
    • 08:30
      Coffee & Registration
    • Welcome by eInfraCentral Galaxy 2 (Tallink hotel)

      Galaxy 2

      Tallink hotel

      Alasdair Reid, eInfraCentral Project Coordinator / EFIS Centre

    • Welcome by the European Commission Galaxy 2 (Tallink hotel)

      Galaxy 2

      Tallink hotel

      Andreas Veispak, DG CONNECT

    • Keynote speech Galaxy 2 (Tallink hotel)

      Galaxy 2

      Tallink hotel

      Professor Urmas Kõljalg, PlutoF platform, University of Tartu

      Biodiversity informatics and molecular taxonomy are two main research areas of Urmas Kõljalg, professor of mycology and a director of the Natural History Museum and Botanical Garden at the Univeristy of Tartu in Estonia. During the last eighteen years Professor Kõljalg has been developing online tools for the management of open and linked biodiversity data ( and for the metabarcoding of fungi ( Currently, he is leading Estonian research infrastructure roadmap project NATARC ( which is developing national e-infrastructure for the natural and earth sciences.

    • eInfraCentral: Achievements and contributions in the EOSC context Galaxy 2 (Tallink hotel)

      Galaxy 2

      Tallink hotel

      Jorge-A. Sanchez-P, JNP PCC
      George Papastefanatos, University of Athens
      H2020-funded eInfraCentral was set up to ensure that by 2020 a broader and more varied set of users (including industry) discovers and accesses the existing and developing e-infrastructure capacity. This is done through the creation of a common service catalogue in collaboration with Europe’s leading e-infrastructures, and the development of a portal through which to access it. eInfraCentral alongside EOSC-hub and OpenAIRE-Advance are the key building blocks of the future EOSC Portal.
      In this session, presenters will unpack the key achievements of the project and discuss how to further leverage the service catalogue, single sign-on, APIs and other outputs of eInfraCentral to support the future development of the EOSC.

    • 11:00
      Coffee break
    • Developing the EOSC portal for the benefits of the user communities Galaxy 2 (Tallink hotel)

      Galaxy 2

      Tallink hotel

      Moderated by Jelena Angelis, EFIS Centre – eInfraCentral

      Emanuele Storti – EURODOC / European Council for Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers
      Lennart Stoy – European University Association
      Alasdair Reid, EFIS Centre – eInfraCentral and CatRIS
      Tiziana Ferrari, EGI Foundation – EOSC-hub

      The EOSC Portal is set up to become a reference point for millions of European researchers looking for scientific applications, research data exploitation platforms, research data discovery platforms, data management and compute services, computing and storage resources as well as thematic and professional services.
      Having said that, during numerous stakeholder events in 2018, the topic of user-centric approach to portal creation was stressed on almost all occasions.
      This panel aspires to bring together end-users, user-focused research infrastructures, eInfrastructure service providers and research infrastructures, in order to discuss the key elements of a user-centric approach in building the EOSC Portal.

    • 13:00
      Networking lunch
    • Building EOSC regionally and nationally Galaxy 2 (Tallink hotel)

      Galaxy 2

      Tallink hotel

      Moderated by Sara Garavelli, Trust-IT – EOSC Secretariat

      Damien Lecarpentier, EUDAT – EOSC-Nordic
      Sonja Filiposka, UKIM – NI4OS-Europe
      Fulvio Galeazzi, GARR – EOSC-Pillar
      Tiziana Ferrari, EGI Foundation – EOSC-synergy

      The topic will be debated by a panel of representatives from recent initiatives funded under the EOSC topic “Coordination of EOSC-relevant national initiatives across Europe and support to prospective EOSC service providers”.
      Although these initiatives have just started, their participants have been already active and linked to the EOSC landscape, bringing several novel ideas from their national perspectives. Focusing on the areas of relevance to EOSC – sustainability, landscape, FAIR, Rules of Participation, and Architecture – the panel will take a fresh perspective when addressing these topics.
      Discussions and conclusions from this panel may also serve as input to the work of the EOSC Executive Board.

    • 15:30
      Coffee break
    • Enhancing the value proposition of the EOSC Portal for the Research Infrastructure community and their users Galaxy 2 (Tallink hotel)

      Galaxy 2

      Tallink hotel

      Moderated by Alasdair Reid, EFIS Centre – eInfraCentral

      Ari Asmi, ENVRI-FAIR
      Jayesh Wagh, ESCAPE
      Ornela de Giacomo, PaNOSC
      Annabel Grant, GÉANT
      Tiziana Ferrari, EGI
      Damien Lecarpentier, EUDAT
      Natalia Manola, OpenAIRE
      Jorge-A. Sanchez-P, JNP
      George Papastefanatos, University of Athens

      Enhancing the EOSC Portal and connecting thematic clouds is the next big step in enhancing and driving the value proposition of the EOSC for the Research Infrastructures and their users.
      This panel will bring together a number of eInfrastructure members of the eInfraCentral project (GEANT, EGI, EUDAT, OpenAIRE) research infrastructures of thematically-focused EOSC projects (ESCAPE and ENVRI-FAIR).
      Topics to be debated include: (1) added-value of the EOSC Portal and its overall functions in the future, (2) skills perspective within EOSC capturing integration of e.g. various training materials, and (3) data and service discovery in the EOSC portal e.g. searching for data and services within a number of disciplinary catalogues, combining, automating and feeding in an optimal way services and data into the EOSC catalogue, etc.
      Discussions and conclusions from this panel may also serve as input to the work of the EOSC Executive Board.

    • 17:30
      Close and networking cocktail Tallink Spa & Conference Hotel

      Tallink Spa & Conference Hotel


      Sadama 11a, Tallinn