EM-U #81: The art of disruptive thinking
Try thinking of a word, any word. Then google that word with “app” or “Crypto” behind it. Odds are, you just found an existing startup.
This weeks speaker, Pablo Garcia Tello has seen how many teams end up solving every possible problem with an app without exploring other possible solutions.
Thinking in a disruptive way is necessary for innovating especially if the aim of the innovator is to come up with technologies that will transform the society now and in the future. Nevertheless, it is difficult. Our brain is used to think in a linear way as a result of many years of evolution. The aim of this interactive talk is to engage together through examples and discussions on ways of how to think disruptively.
Pablo Garcia Tello Graduated in Physics from the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain and has a Ph.D. in Material Science by the Basque Country University in San Sebastian, Spain. He has been a Postdoc at MIT, worked at Philips, NXP Semiconductors and ASD. He has published more than 50 scientific papers in top international peer-reviewed journals and conferences and holds more than 10 international patents in the areas of Micro/nanotechnology and Biotechnology. He has received among others the NXP Semiconductors Golden Patent of the Year award. At CERN he has been Knowledge Transfer (KT) Liaison Officer at CERN collaborating to enhance the KT CERN industrial network and relationships. Now he is section head of the CERN EU Office developing new EU funded projects and initiatives.
...and of course, afterwards, we will go to Restaurant 1 of CERN to enjoy a round of refreshments and good conversations.