14–18 Oct 2019
Amsterdam Science Park Congress Centre
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Current status of tape storage at CERN

17 Oct 2019, 14:50
Turingzaal (Amsterdam Science Park Congress Centre)


Amsterdam Science Park Congress Centre

Science Park 123 1098 XG Amsterdam The Netherlands 52°21'23"N, 4°57'7"E
Storage & Filesystems Storage and Filesystems


Dr Steven Murray (CERN)


The IT storage group at CERN provides tape storage to its users in the form of three services, namely TSM, CASTOR and CTA. Both TSM and CASTOR have been running for several decades whereas CTA is currently being deployed for the very first time. This deployment is for the LHC experiments starting with ATLAS this year. This contribution describes the current status of tape storage at CERN and expands on the strategy and architecture of the current deployment of CTA.

Desired slot length 20 minutes
Speaker release Yes


Presentation materials