14–18 Oct 2019
Amsterdam Science Park Congress Centre
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Cost and system performance modelling in WLCG and HSF: an update

17 Oct 2019, 11:35
Turingzaal (Amsterdam Science Park Congress Centre)


Amsterdam Science Park Congress Centre

Science Park 123 1098 XG Amsterdam The Netherlands 52°21'23"N, 4°57'7"E
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Jose Flix Molina (Centro de Investigaciones Energéti cas Medioambientales y Tecno)


The increase in the scale of LHC computing during Run 3 and Run 4 (HL-LHC) will certainly require radical changes to the computing models and the data processing of the LHC experiments. The working group established by WLCG and the HEP Software Foundation to investigate all aspects of the cost of computing and how to optimise them has continued producing results and improving our understanding of this process. In this contribution we expose our recent developments and results and outline the directions of future work.

Speaker release Yes


Jose Flix Molina (Centro de Investigaciones Energéti cas Medioambientales y Tecno) Markus Schulz (CERN) Andrea Sciaba (CERN)

Presentation materials