14–18 Oct 2019
Amsterdam Science Park Congress Centre
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Upgrade of KEK Campus network

16 Oct 2019, 11:35
Turingzaal (Amsterdam Science Park Congress Centre)


Amsterdam Science Park Congress Centre

Science Park 123 1098 XG Amsterdam The Netherlands 52°21'23"N, 4°57'7"E
Networking & Security Networking and Security


Soh Suzuki


In August 2018, we upgraded our campus network. We replaced core switches, border routers, distribution switches to provide 1G/10G connectivity with authentication to end nodes. We have newly introduced firewall sets to segment inner subnets into several groups and transplanted all access control lists from core switches to the inner firewall.
We report our migration and operation history of last year.

Desired slot length 12 minutes
Speaker release Yes


Soh Suzuki Tadashi Murakami (KEK) Fukuko YUASA (KEK) Atsushi Manabe (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)) Takanori Hara (KEK/IPNS) Tomoaki Nakamura (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP)) Mr Teiji Nakamura (KEK) Mr Kiyoharu Hashimoto (KEK) Mr Mitsuo Nishiguchi (KEK)

Presentation materials