Storage and Filesystems
- Peter van der Reest (DESY)
- Ofer Rind
Storage and Filesystems
- Ofer Rind
- Peter van der Reest (DESY)
Storage and Filesystems
- Ofer Rind
- Peter van der Reest (DESY)
Please note that the Platinum sponsor of the workshop, Fujifilm Recording Media, has contributed material that will not be presented, but is available for consultation. See this contribution:
An update on the CERN Database on Demand service, which hosts more than 800 databases for the CERN user community supportin different open source systems such as MySQL, PostgreSQL and InfluxDB.
We will present the current status of the platform and the future plans for the service.
The ATLAS Experiment is storing detector and simulation data in raw and derived data formats across more than 150 Grid sites world-wide: currently, in total about 200 PB of disk storage and 250 PB of tape storage is used.
Data have different access characteristics due to various computational workflows. Raw data is only processed about once per year, whereas derived data are accessed...
The STFC CASTOR tape service is responsible for the management of over 80PB of data including 45PB generated by the LHC experiments for the RAL Tier-1. In the last few years there have been several disruptive changes that have or are necessitating significant changes to the service. At the end of 2016, Oracle, which provided the tape libraries, drives and media announced they were leaving the...
The IT storage group at CERN provides tape storage to its users in the form of three services, namely TSM, CASTOR and CTA. Both TSM and CASTOR have been running for several decades whereas CTA is currently being deployed for the very first time. This deployment is for the LHC experiments starting with ATLAS this year. This contribution describes the current status of tape storage at CERN...
In this contribution the evolution of the CERN storage services and their applications will be presented.
The CERN IT Storage group's main mandate is to provide storage for Physics data: to this end an update will be given about CASTOR and EOS, with a particular focus on the ongoing migration from CASTOR to CTA, its successor.
More recently, the Storage group has focused on providing...
CephFS is used as the shared file system of the HTC cluster for
physicists of various fields at Bonn University since beginning
of 2018. The cluster uses IP over InfiniBand. High performance
for sequential reads is achieved even though erasure coding and
on-the-fly compression are employed.
CephFS is complemented by a CernVM-FS for software packages and
containers which come with many...
As one the main data centres in France, the IN2P3 Computing Center (CC-IN2P3, provides several High Energy Physics and Astroparticles Physics experiments with different storage systems that cover the different needs expressed by these experiments.
The quantity of data stored at CC-IN2P3 is growing exponentially. In 2019, about two billion files are stored. By 2030, this...
The Scientific Data & Computing Center (SDCC) in BNL is responsible for accommodating the diverse requirements for storing and processing petabyte-scale data generated by ATLAS, Belle II, PHENIX, STAR, Simons etc. This talk presents the current operational status of the main storage services supported in SDCC, summarizes our experience in operating largely distributed systems, optimizing in...