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TH Journal Club on Strings & QFT

The Three Twists of N = 4, The Omega Deformation and Holography

by Dr Fridrik Freyr Gautason (KU Leuven)

4/3-006 - TH Conference Room (CERN)

4/3-006 - TH Conference Room


Show room on map

I will start by reviewing the three inequivalent topological twists of N = 4 SYM on arbitrary four-manifolds and briefly discuss the resulting topological QFTs. I will emphasise the role played by global anomalies of N = 4 in our story and the relation to anomalies in the TQFTs. I will then construct type IIB supergravity solutions that are holographic duals to the aforementioned twists. The supergravity solutions include a parameter dual to the omega deformation of Nekrasov. I will conclude by focussing on the omega deformation of flat space which is dual to a mild deformation of AdS_5 x S^5 preserving 24 supercharges.