12–14 Jun 2019
Lancaster University
Europe/London timezone

Study of the physics models for fluence simulation in LHC environment

13 Jun 2019, 09:00
Cavendish Lecture Theatre, Faraday Building (Lancaster University)

Cavendish Lecture Theatre, Faraday Building

Lancaster University

Coffee and lunch breaks in the Foyer of the Physics building.


Agnieszka Oblakowska-Mucha (AGH University of Science and Technology (PL))


At the end of LHC Run II fluence in silicon trackers reached the level 10e15 1MeV neq/cm2. Comparison of prediction with measurements showed some discrepancies between experiments which may be driven by differences in tools used for the simulation. In this study, we compared two physics models: Pythia 8.2 and DPMJET3 used for the fluence simulation in Fluka package for geometry of the typical LHC silicon tracker.


Agnieszka Oblakowska-Mucha (AGH University of Science and Technology (PL))


Presentation materials