The fourth International Conference on Application of RadiotraCers and  Energetic Beams in Sciences, ARCEBS-2018 (November 11-17, 2018) is

Organised by: 

 The  Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics (SINP), Kolkata, India

in cooperation with

International Atomic Energy Agency




The venue of the conference is Ffort Raichak, Kolkata, which is about 60 km from Kolkata International Airport at a tranquil place on the bank of river Hooghly.  

ARCEBS series of conferences offer a perfect blend of Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Environmental Sciences and other interdisciplinary research areas like radioactive ion beam, superheavy elements, etc. The common link between all the subjects is either use of radiotracers, natural or artificial; or use of energetic beams. The first, second and third conferences (ARCEBS-06, ARCEBS-10, and ARCEBS-14) were organized by SINP in 2006, 2010 and 2014.  All the earlier conferences in the ARCEBS series were highly successful by the participation of world leaders from all over the globe.


The year 2018 is very special to us - we are celebrating 125th year of our beloved founder Professor MEGHNAD SAHA (1893-1956),  ARCEBS-18 will be a part of this year long celebration. We are committed to maintain the highest standard of ARCEBS-18. The scientific programme of ARCEBS-18 will be broad-based. All aspects of application of radiotracers and energetic beams will be included. 

Ffort Raichak, Kolkata

For Registration and abstract submission an external account in CERN indico server is mandatory. To make an account please click here.