Jan 12 – 18, 2014
Ffort Raichak, Kolkata
Asia/Kolkata timezone
----------------------------------------Proceedings of the conference will be published in Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry-------------------- -------------------------------------------------------Last date of submission of full paper through e-mail is 13th January, 2014-------------------------------------
 The Third International Conference, "Application of RadiotraCers and  Energetic Beams in Sciences (ARCEBS-14)”, organized by the Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata, India will be held at FFort Raichak, Kolkata during January 12-18, 2014.
  ARCEBS has crossed the subject boundaries from its inception and is a perfect blend of Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Environmental Sciences and other interdisciplinary research areas like radioactive ion beam, superheavy elements, etc. The first and second conferences (ARCEBS-06 and ARCEBS-10), organized by SINP in 2006 and 2010, were highly successful by the participation of large number of scientists from 27 countries all over the globe.
  The scientific programme of ARCEBS-14 will be broad-based. All aspects of application of radiotracers and energetic beams will be included. The presentations envisage invited talks,oral and poster contributions.
   Do not miss ARCEBS-14.

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Ffort Raichak, Kolkata
Registration for this event is currently open.