24–27 Sept 2019
EC-JRC Ispra
Europe/Rome timezone

Edge cases at CERN

25 Sept 2019, 12:10
EC-JRC Ispra

EC-JRC Ispra

European Commission – Joint Research Centre Via Enrico Fermi, 2749 I - 21027 Ispra (VA) Italy N45° 48' 36.09'' E008° 37' 16.72'' N45° 48.601 E008° 37.278 45.80998, 8.62135 https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=17/45.80998/8.62135
HTCondor presentations and tutorials Workshop presentations


Ben Jones (CERN)


The overwhelming majority of batch workload at CERN is very similar. Experiment pilots, experiment tier-0 production, and local users running single core jobs. However one size doesn't fit all, and we now have a number of different edge cases that this talk will cover...

GPUs, from machine learning to software validation.
Users who are in a grey area between HPC & HTC
Lower priority preempitible workloads
Backfill of SLURM resources.
Running HTCondor on kubernetes

Desired slot length 20
Speaker release Yes


Presentation materials