24–27 Sept 2019
EC-JRC Ispra
Europe/Rome timezone

SciTokens and Credential Management

27 Sept 2019, 11:10
EC-JRC Ispra

EC-JRC Ispra

European Commission – Joint Research Centre Via Enrico Fermi, 2749 I - 21027 Ispra (VA) Italy N45° 48' 36.09'' E008° 37' 16.72'' N45° 48.601 E008° 37.278 45.80998, 8.62135 https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=17/45.80998/8.62135
HTCondor presentations and tutorials Workshop presentations


Todd Tannenbaum (University of Wisconsin Madison (US))


Presentation on work to integrate distributed authorization technologies such as SciTokens and OAuth 2.0 into HTCondor, and what this means for end-users and system administrators.

Desired slot length 20 minutes
Speaker release Yes


Todd Tannenbaum (University of Wisconsin Madison (US))

Presentation materials