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Sep 24 – 27, 2019
EC-JRC Ispra
Europe/Rome timezone

HTCondor-CE: What Next?

Sep 26, 2019, 3:50 PM
EC-JRC Ispra

EC-JRC Ispra

European Commission – Joint Research Centre Via Enrico Fermi, 2749 I - 21027 Ispra (VA) Italy N45° 48' 36.09'' E008° 37' 16.72'' N45° 48.601 E008° 37.278 45.80998, 8.62135
HTCondor Compute Element (CE) presentations and tutorials Workshop presentations


Brian Hua Lin (University of Wisconsin - Madison)


Upcoming features and direction of HTCondor-CE

Desired slot length 15
Speaker release Yes

Primary author

Brian Hua Lin (University of Wisconsin - Madison)

Presentation materials