RF-Experiments Synchronization Meeting

4-R-017 (CERN)



Dedicated Timing meeting to take stock of what we learned during LHC startup and prepare the restart. In particular: *understand the BPTX and Vertex results of 2009 in relation to RF events, *from this experience, decide what is the acceptable range (both from RF and experiments) of Vertex and BPTX variations without requiring a warning and/or a rephasing. Or, in other terms, what is a 'wrong' phase, from both RF and experiments points of view. *define a procedure for 2010 runs (phase alignment, piquet service, system monitoring) AGENDA: ----------------- A. from 2009: A.1. Feedback from RF point of view *A.1.a. Summary of RF phase jumps & explanation *A.1.b. Vertex position shift versus RF events *A.1.c. sigma-z variation- impact on vertex position? *A.1.d. Phase during ramp *A.1.e. Clock quality and stability in Nov & December at the CCR (jitter, jumps…) *A.1.f. Conclusion: what should we expect as ‘normal’ variations of bunches & beam spot from RF point of view? A.2. Feedback from experiments *A.2.a. consistency of BPTX deltaT versus Vertex? Resolution of BPTX measurements after calibration? *A.2.b. How do experiments deal for deltaT with multibunching? *A.2.c. Which shift in beam spot position can experiments tolerate without requiring rephasing? *A.2.d. Is there an impact of RF BC variations on the vertex reconstruction? ----------------- B. for 2010: B.1. External clock handshake? Except during SETUP (and before IMMINENT), when may resynchro happen? B.2. No synchronised Bcref for 2010 – check the agreement from experiments B.3. Rephasing procedure for 2010: *B.3.a. Will we use the BPTX to check the alignment? Should/could the data be published? Which format? *B.3.b. Will the RF implement this automatic rephasing tool? *B.3.c. If the phase is 'wrong', what should be the procedure? (experts won’t be there night and day on a long term basis) *B.3.d. If rephasing is done, could it be during ‘stable beam’? If yes, will the feedback be given by vertex reconstruction? How fast is it (versus luminosity)? B.4. RF Piquet *B.4.a. Procedure for experiments to follow before calling the Piquet service. Is it through CCC? *B.4.b. Requirements of registers publication on DIP for RF-Rx configuration check B.5. Fibre maintenance: *B.5.a. EN-EL proposal B.6. Drift versus temperature of transmitted RF signals