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Invenio User Group Workshop 2019

ESA-E-121 (Universität Hamburg)


Universität Hamburg

Hauptgebäude / Main building Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1 20146 Hamburg
Lars Holm Nielsen (CERN)

We would like to announce the 5th Invenio User Group Workshop, IUGW2019, to be held as part of Open Repositories 2019 (OR2019) on Monday, June 10th from 09:00-17:00 at the University of Hamburg (main building). 

Registration (mandatory)

1. First register to Open Repositories 2019 conference:

2. Next, register to the Invenio User Group Workshop 2019 onätHamburg/OpenRepositories2019WorkshopRegistration

Call for proposals

Invenio User Group Workshop (IUGW) is a biennial workshop where the Invenio repository community meet among current and future users and developers from around the world. The workshop consists of a series of tour de table service presentations and talks from attendees related to the Invenio digital repository framework.

Submit abstract

Deadline: May 22nd at 23:59 CEST
Acceptance: Notification on May 27th.

The Invenio User Group Workshop 2019 will address a wide range of topics related to the overall theme for Open Repositories 2019:

All the user needs

We are particularly interested in the following themes:

1. Understanding user needs and user experience

  • User research and engagement
  • User experience design for repository services
  • Better user experience through data and workflow integration
  • Improving repository user interfaces

2. Discovery, use and impact

  • Increasing content visibility in search engines and discovery systems
  • Open access discovery, research data discovery
  • Tools for researchers, interfaces for machines
  • The role of aggregation services
  • Measuring use and impact

3. Repositories – evolution or revolution?

  • Beyond the repository: using repository platforms for purposes not originally intended
  • Convergence with other types of systems (e.g. current research information systems, digital asset management systems, journal publishing platforms, library service platforms)
  • Interoperability vs integration: will repositories survive as stand-alone systems?
  • The developing role of repositories in the scholarly communications and research information systems ecosystem (e.g. the Next Generation Repositories vision)
  • New models for scholarly sharing (e.g. blockchain)
  • Data mining, artificial intelligence and machine learning

4. Supporting open scholarship and cultural heritage

  • Providing access to different types of materials (e.g. research data, scholarly articles, pre prints and overlay journals, open access monographs, theses and dissertations, educational resources, archival and cultural heritage materials, audiovisual materials, software, interactive publications and emerging formats)
  • Workflows and support services for the repository users
  • Training, communication and outreach
  • Long-term access and preservation
  • Repositories as digital humanities and open science platforms
  • Working with large and complex data sets

5. Open and sustainable

  • Service and business models that meet user needs
  • Local systems vs repository as a service
  • The expanding role of service providers in the repository landscape, pros and cons?
  • Sustainability of the open source community model
  • Securing long-term funding for open infrastructures
  • Open business models and open governance for open infrastructures

6. Policies, licensing and the law

  • Impact of GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and copyright laws
  • Publisher policies, embargoes and rights retention
  • Licenses, use and re-use of content
  • ‘Closed’ material in ‘open’ repositories
  • Compliance and impact of funder policies (e.g. Plan S) on repositories

7. How can metadata and standards help our users?

  • Development and standardisation of repository metadata
  • Data models and entities
  • Linked open data and repositories
  • Persistent identifiers (e.g. DOI, Handle, URN, ORCID, ISNI)
  • Open citations
  • International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF)

8. Repositories and global knowledge

  • Integration with other open knowledge resources (e.g. Wikimedia and Wikidata)
  • National vs global solutions
  • Repository systems and language barriers
  • Repositories in the global south
  • User needs in developing countries

Please circulate this workshop link also among colleagues who might be interested in.

Looking forward to seeing you. 

    • 08:00 09:00
      OR2019 Registration and Morning coffee 1h
    • 09:00 10:30
      Invenio User Group Workshop
      • 09:00
        Invenio State of the Union 15m

        An overview of the current status of Invenio, the community, ongoing projects and future projects.

        Speaker: Lars Holm Nielsen (CERN)
      • 09:15
        WEKO3: an Invenio 3 based Institutional Repository Software - current development status and future plan 15m

        “JAIRO Cloud” has been provided as the shared repository service in
        Japan since 2012 by National Institute of Informatics. In April 2019,
        the number of institutional repositories in Japanese universities based
        on JAIRO Cloud is exceeded 558, which covers 70% of the number of
        institutional repositories in Japan. Nowadays, it has become to be
        widely recognized as the institutional repository infrastructure in Japan.

        JAIRO Cloud is built using a repository software "WEKO" developed from
        scratch by National Institute of Informatics. First version of WEKO is
        released in 2008. WEKO has been developed as a content management module
        and is characterized by its ease of use and ease of customization. It
        has been being developed while reflecting actual user voices of JAIRO Cloud.

        On other hand,With the rise of the open science movement in recent
        years, the content handled by repository software is becoming more
        diverse and bigger than before. As a result, WEKO has been required
        scalability and extensibility for supporting diversity of research data.
        However, WEKO built on traditional WEB architectures, had difficulty
        supporting the requirement. We needed to develop a new generation of
        WEKO. Therefore, we compared major open source repository software such
        as DSpace, EPrints and Fedora and chose Invenio version 3 for our
        purpose and started development of new version of WEKO(hereinafter
        called WEKO3).

        In this presentation, we will briefly introduce our background, and
        introduce the functions, features, problems, and future plans of WEKO3
        under development.

        Speaker: Masaharu Hayashi (National Institute of Informatics, Japan)
      • 09:30
        2 repositories in the NTK, Prague 15m

        The National Library of Technology (NTK) runs two invenio repositories - National Repository of Grey Literature (NUSL; v1.1.2) and instituional repository of NTK (IDR; v1.0.0). The repositories have partly same typology and data models. We have just started on works on upgrade and creating new data model. For now we are discovering which parts are missing and we still need to keep them as e.g. collections and we try to figure out the best and the easiest solution for our repositories what includes revision of whole concept and their funcionalities.

        Speaker: Petra Černohlávková (National Library of Technology, Prague)
      • 10:00
        Introduction to JuSER repository and APC integration 15m

        An introduction to JuSER repository as a publication database, and open access repository including authorities for reporting. Includes an overview of APC integration in JuSER reporting.

        Speakers: Zöe Hester (FZ Jülich), Claudia Frick (FZ Jülich)
      • 10:15
        Call for participation to implement a MARC flavor model into INVENIO 3 15m

        Currently, JOIN2 uses INVENIO 1.1.7 as base software. JOIN2 is implemented at eight instances and is in use

        • as a repository
        • as an integrated library system (ILS)
        • as a current research information system (CRIS)
        • as Article Processing Charges (APC) handling system
        • and for Campus literature management (private collection)

        INVENIO 1.x was preferred over the other systems on the market thanks to its flexibility and general (internal) standardized data model which enables JOIN2 to tackle its broad scope of needs and allows the required easy extensibility. In particular, the huge potential of the implementation of Authority control unearthed entirely new use cases without any major rewrite.
        Among the principal characteristics that led to the selection INVENIO 1.x over its competitors: A library system does not allow users to store their private data. CRIS systems are usually not usable as a repository. APC management is not really implemented in either of these.

        Given the library background of the JOIN2 members, the MARC-21 data model of INVENIO 1, even with its imperfections, marked a key point in the system selection.

        Using the MARC-21 standard as internal format is in our opinion a good basis for our transition to INVENIO 3 and provides a good link between the different functionalities and use cases:

        Using MARC-21-Authority based records allows JOIN2 to identify people, grants, experiments, facilities, affiliations and funding information using interchangeable, shared records. Additionally, a shared set of journal records was derived and is maintained. This set profits from the MARC-21 format, which allows reuse and enrichment of data obtained from other library systems using common MARC-21 and RDA concepts. The resulting data can be reused even outside of JOIN2. Adding MARC-21 Holdings enabled JOIN2 to almost seamlessly integrate the library catalogues at DESY and GSI and all functionalities required to handle Article Processing Charges (APCs), a rapidly growing part of our services.
        Given the broad scope of research in the JOIN2 instances, JOIN2 profits a lot from bibliographic expertise at the libraries. The knowledge how to model things appropriately can almost immediately be transferred from the librarian to our internal structure using the same language on both ends: MARC-21 and RDA.

        To this end JOIN2 proposes the implementation of an INVENIO flavor with a MARC-21 data model as "first class citizen". This would form the base for the new JOIN2 flavor of INVENIO 3.

        As formal procedure we suggest to set up an agreement with all interested parties and CERN, from which stems the INVENIO 3 technology.
        Besides the obvious content such as title and description of the project, such an agreement needs to specify the deliverables, work packages and milestones with a schedule, together with a description of the organization including roles and responsibilities of all parties involved.

        We believe that the unique combination of repository, ILS, CRIS, APC handling and campus literature management targets academic/research institutions and thus has a large market potential. It enables their libraries to run and maintain this crucial infrastructure, hugely benefiting from the synergies we already rely on at JOIN2 today. The field of application is not restricted to research institutes and libraries: the INVENIO MARC-21 flavor and later the JOIN2 flavor of INVENIO 3 will be useful for governmental organizations and companies, too.

        We want to contribute to the to-be-defined work packages of this MARC 21 INVENIO 3 flavor.

        Please contact us at, if you are interested in joining our efforts to establish first an INVENIO 3 MARC 21 flavor and later a full INVENIO 3 JOIN2 flavor.

        Speaker: Mr Martin Koehler (DESY)
    • 10:30 11:00
      Coffee break 30m
    • 11:00 12:30
      Invenio User Group Workshop
      • 11:00
        Research Data Repository @ Universität Hamburg 15m

        Research Data Repository @ Universität Hamburg

        Speaker: Dr Kai Wörner (Universität Hamburg)
      • 11:15
        Using Invenio RDM to power biomedical research 15m

        Learn how the Invenio RDM will be used to support clinical and translational research through work happening in the CTSA Program National Center for Data to Health and Northwestern University.

        Speaker: Dr Kristi Holmes (Northwestern University)
      • 11:30
        CERN Open Data portal: Invenio meets big data 15m

        The CERN Open Data repository platform manages and disseminates close to two petabytes of open data from particle physics. This includes collision and simulated datasets together with software code examples, associated documentation, configuration files, and virtual machines enabling to explore the released data for both educational and research purposes. In this talk, we will address how Invenio technology is used in running the service, form managing big research data sets, through keeping the system highly available during high user demand periods, up to providing customised interactive data visualisation and exploration of research data.

        Speaker: Diego Rodriguez Rodriguez (CERN)
      • 11:45
        Bye MARC, hello JSON 15m

        The presentation will show some insights about the migration from Invenio 1 to Invenio 3. It will include some real examples with focusing on data management and architecture challenges.

        Speaker: Karolina Przerwa (CERN)
      • 12:00
        Experience report: Developing the Repository for the CSMS (Centre for the Study of Manuscript Culture) of the Uni Hamburg with Invenio 3 15m

        Short presentation (from a software developer's point of view) of the process of developing the new Repository starting from zero.

        Speaker: Cristina Mossoni
    • 12:30 13:30
      Lunch (provided) 1h
    • 13:30 15:00
      Invenio User Group Workshop
      • 13:30
        Invenio v3 at RERO 15m

        There are two main projects based on Invenio v3 at RERO currently, both under active development: RERO ILS and SONAR. RERO ILS is an Integrated Library System, and it includes two sub-projects, RERO-EBOOKS and MEF (Multilingual Entity File). The second main project, SONAR, is a Swiss-wide institutional repository that intends to collect, promote and preserve scholarly publications of authors affiliated with Swiss public research institutions. It aggregates publications from various sources, including existing institutional and subject repositories. SONAR also provides IRaaS (Institutional Repositories as a Service).
        What are the realizations and lessons learned?

        Speaker: Sébastien Délèze (RERO)
      • 13:45
        Hasdai and Data Futures 15m


        Speaker: Neil Jefferies (Data Futures)
      • 14:00
        Invenio at CottageLabs 15m

        Invenio at CottageLabs

        Speaker: Richard Jones (CottageLabs)
      • 14:15
        CERN Search - enterprise search on Invenio 15m

        An enterprise search as a service solution based on Invenio 3

        Speaker: Pablo Panero (Universidad de Oviedo (ES))
      • 14:30
        Citations and COUNTER-compliant Usage Statistics 15m

        Citations and COUNTER-compliant Usage Statistics

        Speaker: Chiara Bigarella (CERN)
    • 15:00 15:30
      Coffee break 30m
    • 15:30 17:00
      Invenio User Group Workshop
      • 15:30
        InveniocRDM project 15m

        CERN has partnered with 10 multidisciplinary institutions and companies to build a turn-key open source research data management platform called InvenioRDM, and grow a diverse community to sustain the platform.

        The InvenioRDM project is funded by the CERN Knowledge Transfer Fund, as well as all the participating partners, including:

        • Brookhaven National Laboratory (US)
        • Caltech Library (US)
        • Data Futures (UK)
        • Helmholtz Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (DE)
        • Northwestern University (US)
        • OpenAIRE (GR)
        • TIND (NO)
        • Tubitak (TK)
        • University of Hamburg (DE)
        • University of Münster (DE)

        The project has an ambitious one year schedule in which it will deliver:

        • InvenioRDM - A research data management platform based on Zenodo and Invenio v3 Framework.
        • A community of public and private institutions to sustain InvenioRDM.
        • Minimum two existing repositories migrated to InvenioRDM, with Zenodo being one of them.

        The key to successfully achieving the ambitious schedule is that InvenioRDM will be based on Zenodo that have already been successfully validated over the past 5 years.

        Our vision in the next five years, is to make InvenioRDM a world-leading extensible research data management platform used by research institutions all around the world and with businesses providing services, support and customizations on top of InvenioRDM.

        Speaker: Lars Holm Nielsen (CERN)
      • 15:45
        Invenio community building & engagement 15m

        Join us for an open discussion on open source community building and how to empower your local engagement efforts.

        Speaker: Dr Kristi Holmes (Northwestern University)
      • 16:00
        Open Discussion 50m

        Open discussion about how to empower the Invenio community.

        Speakers: Lars Holm Nielsen (CERN), Kristi Holmes (Northwestern University)
      • 16:50
        Closing 10m

        Closing notes

        Speaker: Lars Holm Nielsen (CERN)
    • 17:00 17:30
      Break 30m