I will present a new feature that is being implemented in madgraph, the possibility to generate polarised scattering events in order to perform polarisation studies and take advantage of the fact that certain physics is polarisation sensitive.
I will present the results and new features that now exist within HEJ since the last MCnet meeting at CERN. In the past year, a new public release, HEJ2, as well as finite quark mass effects have been included.
I will also present briefly the ongoing work within the HEJ collaboration, including the steps towards NLL.
It is well-known that the spinor-helicity method can significantly simplify the calculations of both Feynman diagrams and scattering amplitudes. In this work, we attempt to further simplify the Feynman-diagram calculation by converting the spinor-helicity method into a flow method, allowing a one-line journey from Feynman diagram to inner products. The cases of massless QED and QCD will be discussed.
This presentation will cover a short introduction of myself and a brief overview of the PhD project that I have recently started working on. This project consists of constructing and implementing a complete event generator for proton-proton, proton-ion and ion-ion collisions in the multi-purpose event generator SHERPA. The main part of the project is to implement an effective kinetic theory...
I'm going to give a short presentation of my master thesis studies about threshold resummation for double differential cross sections. Afterwords the main lines of this Ph.D. project, about loop induced processes, are introduced.
In this talk, I will present a summary of our calculations for the production of $W^{+} W^{-}$ pairs through leptonic decay channels $W^+W^- \to l^+\nu_l + l^{\prime -} \nu_{l'}$ in the framework of $k_t$-factorization. The calculations are performed using the TMD-PDFs of KMR, in different kinematic setups and the results are compared against their counter-part collinear predictions (from...
We discuss observables present in the heavy-ion community today and the challenges associated with it for event generators, specifically for PYTHIA.
We have developed a framework for hadronic rescattering in Pythia. Our goal is to study how rescattering can account for QGP-like effects such as flow, jet quenching, etc. In this presentation I will outline our algorithm and present some preliminary results.
I will talk about kinematic mapping for dipole parton showers and recoil mechanisms comparing local and global recoil and Herwig. I will also briefly discuss the extension of this to the two emission case.
In this talk, we present a new biasing method which is used to reduce the variance of low and high angle Compton scattered events from a pencil beam of X-rays interacting with a sample. The method is used to provide more accurate scatter kernels at lower computational cost than is achievable using standard GEANT4 biasing methods.
A scatter kernel is the point spread function described by the...
Higgs boson production in association with two jets is an interesting process to measure the Higgs to weak-boson coupling (WBF). However at the LHC the inclusive production of Hjj is dominated by the gluon fusion component, where the Higgs boson couples to the gluon via a top loop. The gluon fusion component is typically reduced by cuts requiring a large invariant dijet mass. Such mass cuts...
Uncertainties in NLO calculations are often estimated by variations of
the renormalization scale. The same can be done in parton showers. I
talk about the consistent treatment of renormaliztion scale variations
in the unitary merging of NLO matrix element calculations and parton
showers. Furthermore, I discuss some freedom in reweighting NLO
corrections and compare different unitary...
I will discuss the resummation of soft photon via the YFS algorithm for ISR in Sherpa
4 lepton measurement designed for reinterpretation