In this talk, we present a new biasing method which is used to reduce the variance of low and high angle Compton scattered events from a pencil beam of X-rays interacting with a sample. The method is used to provide more accurate scatter kernels at lower computational cost than is achievable using standard GEANT4 biasing methods.
A scatter kernel is the point spread function described by the...
Higgs boson production in association with two jets is an interesting process to measure the Higgs to weak-boson coupling (WBF). However at the LHC the inclusive production of Hjj is dominated by the gluon fusion component, where the Higgs boson couples to the gluon via a top loop. The gluon fusion component is typically reduced by cuts requiring a large invariant dijet mass. Such mass cuts...
Uncertainties in NLO calculations are often estimated by variations of
the renormalization scale. The same can be done in parton showers. I
talk about the consistent treatment of renormaliztion scale variations
in the unitary merging of NLO matrix element calculations and parton
showers. Furthermore, I discuss some freedom in reweighting NLO
corrections and compare different unitary...
I will discuss the resummation of soft photon via the YFS algorithm for ISR in Sherpa
4 lepton measurement designed for reinterpretation