In this talk, I will present a summary of our calculations for the production of $W^{+} W^{-}$ pairs through leptonic decay channels $W^+W^- \to l^+\nu_l + l^{\prime -} \nu_{l'}$ in the framework of $k_t$-factorization. The calculations are performed using the TMD-PDFs of KMR, in different kinematic setups and the results are compared against their counter-part collinear predictions (from...
We discuss observables present in the heavy-ion community today and the challenges associated with it for event generators, specifically for PYTHIA.
We have developed a framework for hadronic rescattering in Pythia. Our goal is to study how rescattering can account for QGP-like effects such as flow, jet quenching, etc. In this presentation I will outline our algorithm and present some preliminary results.