Weekly meeting on Xboxes

354-1-001 (CERN)



    • 10:00 10:30
      Xboxes report 30m
      Speakers: Dr Matteo Volpi, Ms Samantha Louise Pitman (CERN), Veronica Del Pozo Romano (CERN)


      - Superstructure installed and vacuum levels between 1e-8 and 1e-9.

      - Place the pistons at 50% both in phase shifter and power splitter.

      - Software upgrade ongoing.

      XBOX 3

      - Lines 1&2: running constant at 33MW and 150ns and 200Hz rep rate.

      - Looks like they have reached the limit so go up to 200ns try to reach again 33MW.

      - They are NOT installed backwards. (It was checked after the meeting).

      - Some PC cluster in line 2

      - The analysis done by Xiaowei show that both strctures have conditioned the same way.

      - Comparison with other T24 structures shows that KEK ones reach higher gradient faster. Could be because they don't include the clusters in their calculation or cause the pulse energy in XB3 is making the conditioning slower.

      - Xiaowei is going to calculate the equivalent pulse heating given the shape of  the full pulse and compare the conditioning to those of KEK. .

      - Lines 3&4: Gerry has talked to Scandinova about the modulator error that is not allowing these lines to pulse.