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7–10 Jun 2022
Europe/Rome timezone

Searching for air showers with RNO-G

7 Jun 2022, 10:55


Henrichs, Jakob (DESY)


The Radio Neutrino Observatory – Greenland (RNO-G) is an in-ice
neutrino detector, using the detection of radio emission to target the first
measurement of neutrinos beyond PeV energies. In total 35 stations are
planned for the detector, resulting in a detection volume of around 100
km${}^3$. Each of these stations is equipped with deep antennas embedded $\sim$100 m into the ice and downward-pointing LPDA buried $\sim$3 m into the
snow. At each station three additional LPDA are pointing towards the
sky and thus can be used to look for air showers.
In this contribution, we will give an insight into the air shower analysis
of RNO-G, showing the expected number of air showers per station and
presenting the status of the template search for air showers.

Primary author

Henrichs, Jakob (DESY)


Collaboration, RNO-G

Presentation materials