2–8 Feb 2020
Krynica Zdrój, Poland
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Study of some (non-)conventional mesons in the framework of effective models.

6 Feb 2020, 16:30
Krynica Zdrój, Poland

Krynica Zdrój, Poland

Hotel Pegaz, Czarny Potok 28, 33-380 Krynica-Zdrój


Milena Piotrowska (Jan Kochanowski University)


The main aim of our study is to understand some conventional and non-conventional mesons by using an effective QFT models. Starting from a single $q\bar{q}$ seed state in the Lagrangian some states appear as a dynamically generated companion poles. We show that $K_0^* (700)$ is a companion pole of the heavier $K_0^* (1430)$ resonance, $X(3872)$ emerges as a virtual companion pole of $\chi_{c1} (2P)$, and the puzzling $Y(4008)$ is not a real state but an enhancement which appears when studying the state $\psi(4040$).


Milena Piotrowska (Jan Kochanowski University) Prof. Francesco Giacosa (Kielce University)

Presentation materials