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Excited QCD 2020

from Sunday 2 February 2020 (08:10) to Saturday 8 February 2020 (19:00)
Krynica Zdrój, Poland

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
2 Feb 2020
3 Feb 2020
4 Feb 2020
5 Feb 2020
6 Feb 2020
7 Feb 2020
8 Feb 2020
11:55 --- Arrival Day ---
09:00 Overview of heavy-flavour measurements in ALICE - Lennart van Doremalen (For the ALICE Collaboration) (Utrecht University (NL))   ()
09:30 Studying particle production in small systems through correlation measurements in ALICE - Jonatan Adolfsson (Lund University (SE))   ()
10:00 Heavy Flavour measurements in Pb–Pb collisions with the upgraded ALICE Inner Tracking System - Mrs Dimitra Andreou (CERN-Nikhef)   ()
10:30 --- Coffee Break ---
11:00 LHCb results on exotic spectroscopy - Marcin Kucharczyk (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))   ()
11:30 The X(3872) as a mass distribution - Enrique Ruiz Arriola (Universidad de Granada)   ()
09:00 Recent results of light hadron spectroscopy from BESIII - Andrzej Kupsc   ()
09:30 XYZ at BESIII - Andrzej Kupsc   ()
10:00 Quarkonium physics at Belle II - Kirill Chilikin (LPI RAS)   ()
10:30 --- Coffee Break ---
11:00 Measurement of Diffraction and Underlying Event at ATLAS - James Kendrick (University of Birmingham (GB))   ()
11:30 Overview of Recent Results from the PHENIX Experiment at RHIC - Rachid Nouicer (Rachid)   ()
09:00 Renormalization group and and scattering-equivalent Hamiltonians on a coarse momentum grid - Dr Maria Gomez Rocha (University of Granada)   ()
09:30 Holographic radial spectrum of mesons from higher dimensional QCD operators - Sergey Afonin (Saint Petersburg State University)   ()
10:00 The Physics Program of the PADME Experiment - Paola Gianotti   ()
10:30 --- Coffee Break ---
11:00 News from NA61/SHINE -- small and large systems - Mr Maciej Piotr Lewicki (University of Wroclaw (PL))   ()
11:30 The $K^+ \rightarrow \pi^+ \nu \bar\nu$ decay and New Physics searches at NA62 - Riccardo Lollini (Universita e INFN, Perugia (IT))   ()
09:00 Lightest strange resonance precision determination from a dispersive analysis of data - Jose R. Pelaez (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)   ()
09:30 A new evaluation of $a_{\mu}^{SM}$ to be deviated from the world averaged $a_{\mu}by 1.6 $\sigma}is achieved by novel approach. - Prof. Anna Zuzana Dubnickova (Comenius University)   ()
10:00 Prediction of coupling constant ratio values in the octet hyperon EM structure Unitary and Analytic models - Prof. Sanislav Dubnicka (Inst.of Physics, SAS)   ()
10:30 --- Coffee Break ---
11:00 Low-energy kaon-nucleon/nuclei studies at DAFNE: SIDDHARTA-2 and AMADEUS - Marco Miliucci (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)   ()
11:30 High Sensitivity Quantum Mechanics tests in the Cosmic Silence - Dr Kristian Piscicchia (Centro Fermi, LNF (INFN))   ()
09:00 Exotic hadrons from Dyson-Schwinger equations - Prof. Christian Fischer (JLU Gießen)   ()
09:30 $E(38)$ and $Z_0(57)$: possible surprises in the Standard Model - Dr George Rupp (CeFEMA/IST, Lisbon)   ()
10:00 Gauge-covariant diagonalization of pion- a1 mixing and the resolution of a low energy theorem - Brigitte Hiller (University of Coimbra)   ()
10:30 --- Coffee Break ---
11:00 Diphoton production in pp collision at NLO: Signal analysis - Ms Nadine Hammoud (Instituteof Nuclear Physics, PAS)   ()
11:30 Polarization-vorticity coupling within the fluid dynamics with spin - Dr Radoslaw Ryblewski (Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN)   ()
09:00 --- Departure Day ---
18:00 --- Dinner (not included in fee) ---
16:30 Lattice study of the QCD phase diagram in $(B,T,\mu)$ space - Andrey Kotov   ()
17:00 Dualities of the ($N_{c}=2,3, \infty$) QCD phase diagram: chiral imbalance, baryon density - Dr Roman Zhokhov (IHEP)   ()
17:30 --- Coffee Break ---
18:00 3-flavor extension of the excluded volume model for the hard-core repulsion - Dr Dyana Duarte (Institute for Nuclear Theory)   ()
18:30 Fluctuations of conserved quantities in heavy-ion collisions at high energies - Igor Altsybeev (St Petersburg State University (RU))   ()
12:00 A fresh look at the excited baryon spectrum: What have we learned? - Volker Crede (Florida State University)   ()
16:30 Lattice QCD Three-Quark Potential Analysis using Hyperspherical Variables Redux: Sakumichi & Suganuma's Lattice Data and their Interpretation - Prof. Dmitrasinovic Veljko (Intitute of Physics, University of Belgrade)   ()
17:00 Center regions as a solution to the Gribov problem of the center vortex model - Rudolf Golubich (Atominstitut, Techn. Univ. Wien)   ()
17:30 --- Coffee Break ---
18:00 From string breaking to quarkonium spectrum - Dr Marco Catillo (LMU Munich)   ()
18:30 Charmonium Spectrum from Nf=3+1 Lattice QCD - Roman Höllwieser (University of Wuppertal)   ()
16:30 Lattice QCD study of Zb tetraquark channel - Sasa Prelovsek   ()
17:00 Baryon fluctuations in extended linear sigma model. - Győző Kovács (Wigner RCP)   ()
17:30 --- Coffee Break ---
18:00 O(6) harmonics in the three-heavy-quark problem - Prof. Igor Salom (Intitute of Physics, University of Belgrade))   ()
18:30 Hybrid star construction with the extended linear sigma model - Peter Kovacs (Wigner RCP)   ()
19:30 --- Conference Dinner ---
12:00 Hybrids in a chiral approach - Francesco Giacosa (Kielce University)   ()
16:30 Study of some (non-)conventional mesons in the framework of effective models. - Milena Piotrowska (Jan Kochanowski University)   ()
17:00 Surprises in Large Nc Thermodynamics - Prof. Thomas Cohen (University of Maryland)   ()
17:30 --- Coffee Break ---
18:00 Conformal anomaly and fluid dynamics - Alina Czajka (National Centre for Nuclear Research)   ()
18:30 Double parton distributions of the pion - Wojciech Broniowski (IFJ PAN)   ()
17:30 --- Coffee Break ---