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APPEC Community Meeting on Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay

Hallam Conference Centre, London, UK

Hallam Conference Centre, London, UK

44 Hallam Street, London W1W 6JJ, UK
Silvia Pascoli

This meeting aims at discussing and collecting the input of the community on the roadmap document ( prepared by the Double Beta Decay APPEC Committee for the APPEC SAC on the future neutrinoless double beta decay experimental programme in Europe. The ultimate goal is to maintain a leading role in this scientifically important quest, in line with APPEC Roadmap recommendations ( We will assess the existing, planned and proposed technologies, their discovery potential and technical challenges, making a critical examination of resources and schedules. We will also review the theoretical issues and the status and uncertainties on the nuclear matrix element evaluation. 

It is possible to join remotely by connection to the zoom room:

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Or join by phone, find your local number:

Meeting ID: 175 887 675


  • Abigail Alexander
  • Alexander Barabash
  • Anatael CABRERA
  • Andrea Giuliani
  • Asli Abdullahi
  • Carlos Peña Garay
  • Chamkaur Ghag
  • Cheryl Patrick
  • christine marquet
  • David Nygren
  • David Waters
  • Ezio Previtali
  • Fabian Kuger
  • Fedor Simkovic
  • Fernando Ferroni
  • Francesc Monrabal
  • Francesca Moglia
  • Frank Deppisch
  • Giuseppe Salamanna
  • Grzegorz Zuzel
  • Hamzah Hussain
  • Javier Menendez
  • Juan Jose Gomez-Cadenas
  • Jules Gascon
  • Konstantin Gusev
  • Laura Baudis
  • Manfred Lindner
  • Marc Schumann
  • Matteo Ceschia
  • Mauro Mezzetto
  • Neil McCauley
  • Oliviero Cremonesi
  • Paolo Franchini
  • Patricia Sanchez-Lucas
  • Riccardo Brugnera
  • Riham Mariam
  • Ruben Saakyan
  • Ryan Nichol
  • Silvia Pascoli
  • Simon Peeters
  • Stefan Schönert
  • Steven Biller
  • Teresa Montaruli
  • Werner Rodejohann
  • William Quinn
  • Yorck Ramachers
  • Yury Shitov
  • Владимир Пастушенко