27–29 Jul 2022
Europe/Zurich timezone

Deconfinement and Clustering of color sources in pp and A-A collisions at LHC energies.

Not scheduled
Poster presentation Poster session


Dr Brijesh Srivastava (Purdue University)


We present the extraction of the temperature by analyzing the charged particle transverse momentum spectra in lead-lead (Pb-Pb) and proton-proton (${\bf pp}$) collisions at LHC energies from the ALICE Collaboration using the Color String Percolation Model (CSPM) [1]. From the measured energy density ${\varepsilon}$ and the temperature T the dimensionless quantity ${ \varepsilon/}T^{4}$ is obtained to get the degrees of freedom (DOF), ${\varepsilon}/T^{4}$ = DOF ${ \pi^{2}}$/30.
We observe for the first time a two-step behavior in the increase of DOF, characteristic of deconfinement, above the hadronization temperature at temperature $\sim$ 210 MeV for both Pb-Pb and ${\bf pp}$ collisions and a sudden increase to the ideal gas value of $\sim $ 47 corresponding to three quark flavors in the case of Pb-Pb collisions.
[1].M. A. Braun, J. Dias de~Deus, A. S. Hirsch, C. Pajares, R. P. Scharenberg, and B. K. Srivastava, Deconfinement and clustering of color sources in nuclear collisions, Phys. Rep. 599, 1 (2015).

Primary author

Dr Brijesh Srivastava (Purdue University)


Guy Paic (Universidad Nacional Autonoma (MX)) carlos pajares (University Santiago de Compostela) Prof. R Scharenberg (Purdue University) Aditya Nath Mishra (Wigner Research Centre for Physics Budapest, Hungary)

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