Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

30 March 2020 to 3 April 2020
Porto Rio Hotel, Patras, Greece
Europe/Athens timezone

A NICER view of neutron stars (Invited)

30 Mar 2020, 09:00
Oral Presentation Invited Talks Invited Talks


Prof. Cole Miller (University of Maryland)


The cores of neutron stars contain matter at densities and neutron-proton asymmetries that are inaccessible in laboratories. Thus astronomical observations of neutron stars are the only source of information we have about this state of matter, which is a key part of the QCD phase diagram. One of the most important such measurements is of the mass and radius of these stars. Recently, NASA's Neutron star Interior Composition Explorer (NICER) released information about its mass and radius determinations, using a method that is believed to be less susceptible to systematic errors than previous approaches. I will discuss those results and their implications for the equation of state of the cold, catalyzed, dense matter in the interiors of neutron stars.

Primary author

Prof. Cole Miller (University of Maryland)

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