30 March 2020 to 3 April 2020
Porto Rio Hotel, Patras, Greece
Europe/Athens timezone

Vortex dynamics in neutron stars

2 Apr 2020, 15:15
Room 1

Room 1

Oral Presentation Pulsar glitches and superfluidity Parallel 2A


Dr Marco Antonelli (Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Centre)


In the superfluid interior of a neutron star the presence of quantized vortex lines defines an intermediate scale (in between the microscopic fermi-scale and the centimeter-scale) ranging from the radius of a vortex core to the typical separation between vortices. This complicates the hydrodynamic description of a neutron star interior. A classical treatment of a vortex moving through the lattice of nuclear impurities in the crust can be achieved by means of the vortex-filament model. Understanding the complex dynamics of vortices by means of vortex-filament simulations can deepen our understanding of superfluidity-related phenomena in neutron stars, like pulsar glitches.

Primary author

Dr Marco Antonelli (Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Centre)

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