30 March 2020 to 3 April 2020
Porto Rio Hotel, Patras, Greece
Europe/Athens timezone

Super-Massive Neutron Stars and Compact Binary Millisecond Pulsars

31 Mar 2020, 15:30
Room 2

Room 2

Oral Presentation Neutron stars in binary systems and accretion Parallel 2B


Dr Manuel Linares (UPC & IEEC)


The maximum mass of a neutron star has important implications across multiple research fields, including astrophysics, nuclear physics and gravitational wave astronomy. Compact binary millisecond pulsars are key to constraining such maximum mass observationally. Applying a new method to measure the velocity of both sides of the companion star, we previously found that the compact binary millisecond pulsar PSR J2215+5135 hosts one of the most massive neutron stars known to date,
with a mass of 2.27+/-0.16 Msun. Here I will review the neutron star mass distribution in light of this and more recent discoveries, focusing on super-massive neutron stars with masses above 2 Msun.

Primary author

Dr Manuel Linares (UPC & IEEC)

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