Dec 3 – 4, 2019
Europe/Zurich timezone
There is a live webcast for this event.

The aim of the first ISOLDE-EPIC workshop is to bring together the ISOLDE community with the CERN teams providing (proton and RIB) beams to ISOLDE in order to discuss next upgrades for CERN’s low-energy nuclear physics facility, by making use of the LIU upgrades that are currently being realized (2 GeV protons at PS Booster, higher proton intensities from LINAC4).

A list of possible upgrades have been outlined in the EPIC project (Exploiting the Potential of ISOLDE at CERN) that was submitted to the European Strategy for Particle Physics update (ESPP) last December, to be considered among many other possible future CERN projects (see project #39 at ).

The aim of the EPIC workshop is to exchange ideas with our User community and the CERN responsible teams on these suggested upgrades and to discuss priorities, keeping in mind the necessary complementarity with the other European ISOL facilities.  The financial situation at CERN is such that any upgrade will require financial input from the partner countries in the ISOLDE Collaboration.  Therefore, we want to present to the broad ISOLDE community the different aspects of the proposed EPIC project, and to define working groups to prepare a Conceptual Design Study for several parts of the project.  This will help the community to apply for funding of sub-projects of EPIC.

I hope you are willing to think with us on how to shape the future of ISOLDE in the next decades.

Looking forward to see you at CERN in December,

Gerda Neyens, ISOLDE Collaboration spokesperson and Physics Group Leader
Richard Catherall and Joachim Vollaire, ISOLDE Technical coordinators
Simone Gilardoni, EN-STI Group Leader
Kieran Flanagan, PI for the UKRI EPIC project and upcoming chair of the ISCC
Jenny Weterings, Scientific Secretary

This event will be followed by the yearly ISOLDE Workshop and Users meeting. If you would also like to attend this event please see further details and register via .

503/1-001 - Council Chamber
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Program Advisory Committee: K. Blaum, Y. Blumenfeld, P. Butler, M. Calviani, K. Johnston, K. Riisager