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POSTPONED - SEEIIST meets Industry

Sarajevo City Hall

Sarajevo City Hall

Obala Kulina Bana, 71 000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Yiota Foka (GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE)), Maurizio Vretenar (CERN)


The conference SEEIIST meets Industry will take place from 1st to 3rd of April 2020 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. It will be hosted by the city of Sarajevo in its City Hall and jointly organised by SEEIIST and the University of Sarajevo together with major scientific organisations. It will be followed by an event for the general public SEEIIST meets Sarajevo in the evening of April 3rd, also in the Sarajevo City Hall.

The aim of the conference is to promote cooperation between the fields of science, technology and industry in the South East European region and among CEI, Central European Initiative Member States following the common guidelines and goals of the CEI and SEEIIST   initiatives.   

SEEIIST, the South East European International Institute for Sustainable Technologies, proposed in 2016 in the spirit of CERN’s ideal “Science for Peace” by former CERN DG Prof H. Schopper, was brought on the political level by the Minister of Science of Montenegro, S. Damjanovic, and was endorsed officially by the governments of six countries in the SEE region on the 7th of July 2019. The SEEIIST project has entered the Design Phase thanks to the first financial support of the European Commission (DG RTD).  

The main scientific goal of SEEIIST is the realisation of a Facility for Tumour Hadron Therapy and Biomedical Researchbased on a state-of-the-art particle accelerator design developed in collaboration with the main European research centres CERN and GSI-FAIR. Such a Regional Center of Scientific Excellence will strengthen local scientific expertise for future projects and the development of a sustainable economy and social cohesion.

The facility is also expected to stimulate the development of complementary technologies, such as the use of alternative energy sources or the development of advanced digital systems, and to trigger spin-offs. To maximise benefits it is planned as a regionally distributed facility with hubs in different countries offering numerous opportunities for technology transfer and benefits to South-East European industry as well as international cooperation opportunities.


  • Adnan Beganović
  • Adnan Smajić
  • Ajla Lejlic
  • Ajla Čaušević
  • Albana Topi
  • Alen Džaferspahić
  • Ales Hala
  • Alexander Bechtold
  • Alexandra Ioannidou
  • Amar Kapić
  • Amila Avdic
  • Amra Ibrahimovic
  • Amra Salčinović Fetić
  • Anastasios Liolios
  • Andrej Studen
  • Angel Garcia
  • Anja Haverić
  • Anxhina Gjoni
  • Arnela Hrbat
  • Azeez Oluwagbenga Oseni
  • Azra Gazibegović - Busuladžić
  • Bashkim Ziberi
  • Bernhard Fabianek
  • Branislava Drayenovic/Perunicic
  • Dalila Smajlović
  • Damir Škrijelj
  • Dejan Milošević
  • Dimitris Kaprinis
  • Dina Nikocevic
  • Dželila Ćordalija
  • Dženana Husremovic
  • Edin Skaljic
  • Edmond Offermann
  • Edvin Skaljo
  • Elena Benedetto
  • Eleonora Getsova
  • Elsa Nezha
  • Elvan Hasanovikj
  • Elvan Hasanovikj
  • Elvis Janežič
  • emanuele massarelli
  • Emina Dzaferovic
  • Emina Kreštalica
  • Emir Nezir
  • Flavia Groppi
  • Fons Rademakers
  • Fuada Salkić
  • Gazmend Nafezi
  • Hana Uzunović
  • Haris Muhic
  • Hatidza Hindija
  • Holger Höltermann
  • Holger Podlech
  • Irma Durmisevic
  • Irmela Ivazović
  • Isabel Bejar Alonso
  • Iztok Lesjak
  • Janko Burgar
  • Jasmin Heljić
  • Jasmina Gradascevic-Pleh
  • Jean luc Lancelot
  • Katarina Roškar
  • Kerima Alihodzic
  • Lada Lukić Bilela
  • Lamija Tanović
  • Ledia Refati
  • Lejla Dizdarević
  • Lejla Čiva
  • Lidija Lincender
  • Lotar Kurti
  • Lucio Rossi
  • Mahira Mehanović
  • Maida Cohodar Husic
  • Maida Cohodar Husic
  • Maja Arslanagic-Kalajdzic
  • Manjit Dosanjh
  • Manuela Cirilli
  • Marco Giuseppe Pullia
  • Mariusz Sapinski
  • Mark Pleško
  • Markus Stock
  • Martina Bauer
  • Matjaž Repovž
  • Maurizio Vretenar
  • Melika Husic-Mehmedovic
  • Miha Marinsek
  • Miloš Trifković
  • Mimoza Ristova
  • Mirela Ramović
  • Mirsad Tunja
  • Msrco Schippers
  • Nejra Vraneš
  • Nenad Tanović
  • Nina Begovic
  • Partizan Malkaj
  • Peter Urschuetz
  • Pradeep Ghosh
  • Razim Mahmutagić
  • Sandro Rossi
  • Sanja Damjanovic
  • Sanja Dervišević
  • Sara Hodžić
  • Selma Behmen
  • Selma Kadic-Maglajlic
  • Selma Čajo
  • Senad Isaković
  • Senad Odžak
  • Sinisa Marcic
  • Skender Kabashi
  • Stanislav Pejovnik
  • Stipe Pavic
  • Sumeja Lepic
  • Tamara Ćetković
  • Tara Brus
  • Tarik Uzunovic
  • Tobias Engert
  • Vesna Gershan
  • Yiota Foka
  • Yllka Kabashi
    • 08:30 09:00
      Registration 30m
    • 09:00 10:15
      Welcome Session
      Convener: Dženana Husremović
      • 09:00
        Welcome from Ministry of Civil Affairs 5m
        Speaker: TBA
      • 09:05
        Welcome from Sarajevo Mayor 5m
        Speaker: Abdulah Skaka
      • 09:10
        Welcome from CEI Deputy Secretary General 5m
        Speaker: Nina Kodelja (Deputy Secretary General CEI)
      • 09:15
        Welcome from Regional Cooperation Council 5m
        Speaker: Sinisa Marcic
      • 09:20
        Welcome from UNSA 5m
        Speaker: Rifat Škrijelj (UNSA Rector)
      • 09:25
        Welcome from organisers 5m
        Speaker: Edmond Offermann
      • 09:30
        Science for Peace 10m
        Speaker: Herwig Schopper
      • 09:40
        SEEIIST: South East European International Institute for Sustainable Technologies 30m
        Speaker: Sanja Damjanović (SEEIIST)
    • 10:15 10:45
      Coffee break 30m
    • 10:45 12:20
      Ion therapy fostering innovation
      • 10:45
        Ion therapy facilities: Scientific challenges and opportunities for industry 20m
        Speaker: Maurizio Vretenar (CERN)
      • 11:05
        Beam delivery and gantries for ion therapy facilities 20m
        Speaker: Marco Pullia (CNAO)
      • 11:25
        GSI experience in ion therapy, innovations for SEEIIST 20m
        Speaker: Christian Graeff (GSI)
      • 11:45
        Cosylab a success story of a regional company becoming world leader - challenges and opportunities in SEEIIST 20m
        Speaker: Mark Pleško (Cosylab)
      • 12:05
        Discussion on business plan 15m
        Speaker: Leandar Litov
    • 12:20 13:00
      Experiences, models of cooperation, industry, academia
      • 12:20
        How a project can organize the relation with industry: HiLumi LHC as an example 20m
        Speaker: Isabel Bejar Alonso (CERN)
      • 12:40
        Openlab as model of cooperation of academia and industry 20m
        Speaker: Fons Rademakers
    • 13:00 14:30
      Lunch break 1h 30m
    • 14:30 15:35
      Oncology, patient treatment, with focus on the industry role
      Convener: Marco Pullia
      • 14:30
        Oncology, patient treatment, with focus on industry role - Introduction 20m
        Speaker: Markus Stock
      • 14:50
        Maintenance of Radiological Equipment in Bosnia and Herzegovina — overview of current status and capabilities 15m
        Speaker: Adnan Beganović (UNSA)
      • 15:05
        Papageorgiou Hospital experience in oncology, academia and industry cooperation 15m
        Speaker: KARAVIOTIS Michail
      • 15:20
        SIPTC - the project and the perspectives for the oncology patients 15m
        Speaker: Janko Burgar
    • 15:35 16:00
      Coffee break 25m
    • 16:00 17:40
      SEE region potential: summary and outlook
      • 16:00
        Biophysics research: an experience from diaspora 10m
        Speaker: Albana Topi
      • 16:10
        Contribution from UNSA, BiH 10m
        Speaker: Semir Bešlija
      • 16:20
        Contribution from Vinča, Serbia 10m
        Speaker: TBC
      • 16:30
        Contribution from Ruđer Bošković, Croatia 10m
        Speaker: TBC
      • 16:40
        Contribution from Kosovo* 10m
        Speaker: Nafezi Gazmend
      • 16:50
        Contribution from UKC Podgorica, Montenegro 10m
        Speaker: Vladimir Todorović
      • 17:00
        Biomedical developments in tumour treatments in Albania 10m
        Speaker: Partizan Malkaj
      • 17:10
        Contribution from Bulgaria 10m
        Speaker: TBC
      • 17:20
        Contribution from Banja Luka, BiH 10m
        Speaker: Danijela Trokić
      • 17:30
        Contribution from North Macedonia 10m
        Speaker: Vesna Gershan
    • 17:40 17:50
      Coffee break 10m
    • 17:50 19:30
      Panel discussion: Experiences with industry from existing facilities
      Convener: Elena Benedetto
      • 17:50
        Introduction 5m
        Speaker: Elena Benedetto
      • 17:55
        Experience from Heidelberg and Marburg therapy centres 10m
        Speaker: TBC
      • 18:05
        CNAO experience 10m
        Speaker: Sandro Rossi (CNAO)
      • 18:15
        MedAustron experience 10m
        Speaker: Peter Urschetz
      • 18:25
        Contribution from PSI 10m
        Speaker: Marco Schippers
      • 18:35
        Discussion 45m
    • 20:00 22:30
      Dinner at restaurant Nova Bentbaša 2h 30m Restaurant Nova Bentbaša

      Restaurant Nova Bentbaša

    • 08:30 09:00
      Welcome to the industry day
      Convener: Engert Tobias
      • 08:30
        Impact of technology-intensive procurement contracts on industry 15m
        Speaker: Manuela Cirilli
      • 08:45
        Research meets industry: the example of the Elettra Synchrotron 15m
        Speaker: Fabio Mazzolini
    • 09:00 10:35
      Accelerator Technologies
      Convener: Mariusz Sapinski
      • 09:00
        Acceleration technology for ion therapy 20m
        Speaker: TBA
      • 09:20
        AISHa: an innovative ECR ion source for Hadron therapy facilities as first element of the SEEIIST 15m
        Speaker: Luigi Celona
      • 09:35
        LINAC technologies for medical purposes 15m
        Speaker: Holger Podlech
      • 09:50
        Superconductivity and new magnet designs 15m
        Speaker: Davide Tommasini
      • 10:05
        SENIS magnetic measurements 15m
        Speaker: Marjan Blagojević
      • 10:20
        How an industry may contribute to the next generation accelerator technology 15m
        Speaker: Elvis Janežič (I-Tech)
    • 10:35 11:00
      Coffee break 25m
    • 11:00 12:35
      SEEIIST green distributed facility and hubs
      • 11:00
        Introduction on hubs 5m
        Speaker: TBA
      • 11:05
        SEEIIST opportunities for the Green Energy hub 15m
        Speaker: Sanela Klarić
      • 11:20
        CROSSBOW: Cross border management of renewable energies 15m
        Speaker: TBC
      • 11:35
        Green IT digital hub 15m
        Speaker: TBA
      • 11:50
        Animal hub 15m
        Speaker: Nihad Fejzić
      • 12:05
        Discussion on policies and strategies on green infrastructures 15m
        Speaker: TBC
    • 12:35 13:00
      Lunch break
    • 13:00 14:00
      Industry, B2B
      Convener: TBA
      • 13:00
        BEVATECH GmbH 1h
        Speaker: Holger Höltermann
    • 13:00 14:00
      Research potential - the perspective of two proton therapy projects in the region
      Convener: Andrej Studen
    • 13:00 14:00
      Convener: Sanja Damjanović
    • 13:00 14:00
      Training and education
      • 13:00
        Training and education opportunities at FAIR/GSI 15m
        Speaker: Ghosh Pradeep
      • 13:15
        CERN, Openlab opportunities 15m
        Speaker: Fons Rademakers
      • 13:30
        International Masterclasses at SEE 15m
        Speaker: Amar Kapić
      • 13:45
        Particle Therapy Masterclass 15m
        Speakers: Amila Avdić, Amra Ibrahimović, Mirsad Tunja
    • 14:00 16:00
      Industrial potential: SEE region capacity and interests
      Convener: Janko Burgar
      • 14:15
        SEEIIST deliverable on Industrial potential for and of the region 20m
        Speaker: Iztok Lesjak
      • 14:35
        Contribution from BiH 15m
        Speaker: Mustafa Music
      • 14:50
        Contribution from Montenegro 15m
        Speaker: Nina Drakić
      • 15:05
        Contribution from Croatia 15m
        Speaker: TBC
      • 15:20
        Contribution from Serbia 15m
        Speaker: TBC
      • 15:35
        Contribution from Bulgaria 15m
        Speaker: TBC
    • 16:00 16:20
      Coffee break 20m
    • 16:20 18:00
      Industrial potential: SEE region capacity and interests
      Convener: Janko Burgar
      • 16:20
        Contribution from Greece 15m
        Speaker: Anastasios Tzikas
      • 16:35
        Contribution from Albania 15m
        Speaker: Niko Hyka
      • 16:50
        Contribution from North Macedonia 15m
        Speaker: TBC
      • 17:05
        Contribution from Kosovo* 15m
        Speaker: Skender Kabashi
      • 17:20
        Contribution from Romania 15m
        Speaker: TBC
      • 17:35
        Contribution from Hungary 15m
        Speaker: TBC
      • 17:50
        Contribution from Poland 10m
        Speaker: TBC
    • 18:00 18:40
      Closing remarks
      • 18:00
        HEPTech role 20m
        Speaker: Tobias Engert
      • 18:20
        Capacity building 20m
        Speaker: Mimoza Ristova
    • 08:30 10:00
      SEE region potential: summary and outlook
      Convener: Sebija Izetbegović
      • 08:30
        Welcome from Academy of Science 5m
        Speaker: TBA
      • 08:35
        Research potential and opportunities in the SEEIIST facility 25m
        Speaker: Manjit Dosanjh
      • 09:00
        Summary and outlook on accelerator technologies 20m
        Speaker: Maurizio Vretenar
      • 09:20
        Summary and outlook on biophysics research potential 20m
        Speaker: Christian Graeff
      • 09:40
        Summary and Outlook on industry/business potential 20m
        Speaker: Mark Pleško
    • 10:00 10:30
      Coffee break 30m
    • 10:30 11:30
      Convener: Dženana Husremović
      • 10:30
        SEEIIST: status and future actions 20m
        Speaker: Sanja Damjanović
      • 10:50
        EC representative 20m
        Speaker: Bernhard Fabianek
      • 11:10
        CERIC-ERIC perspectives 20m
        Speaker: TBA
    • 11:30 11:45
      • 11:30
        Motivating the next generation 15m
        Speaker: Panagiota Foka
    • 18:00 20:30
      Public event
      • 18:00
        Welcome 20m
        Speaker: TBA
      • 18:20
        SEEIIST as an instrument for fighting cancer with heavy ions 20m
        Speaker: Sanja Damjanović
      • 18:40
        How to fight cancer with particles 20m
        Speaker: Manjit Dosanjh
      • 19:00
        How we produce heavy ions to fight cancer and what they are 20m
        Speaker: Maurizio Vretenar
      • 19:20
        Overview of industry and high-tech possibilities at BiH and SEE 20m
        Speaker: Trhulj Erdal
      • 19:40
        Vision on academic and research possibilities at BiH and SEE 10m
        Speaker: Dženana Husremović
      • 19:50
        Closing remarks and vision 10m
        Speaker: Edmond Offermann
      • 20:00
        Q&A 30m