15–20 May 2022
University of Sussex
Europe/London timezone

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

CALOR 2022 invites contributions to the broad field of physical mechanisms, concepts, technologies and modeling, as well as the application and performance of detection systems for calorimetry. In addition, the meeting will focus on new ideas and significantly improved performance parameters driven by envisaged hadron accelerator upgrades, new levels of radiation damage in a high luminosity environment and future lepton colliders.
Aspects include:
- Experience with current calorimetric systems at accelerators​;
- Experience with calorimetric systems at non-accelerator experiments including space (from the meV to the EeV range);
- Calorimeters for the HL-LHC and other future accelerator experiments;
- Calorimeters for future non-accelerator experiments, including space (from the meV to the EeV range);
- Challenges for calorimeters, and technologies to deal with these (event rates, radiation levels, UV light detection, calibration issues, …);
- Physics processes and simulations relevant for calorimeters;
- New concepts for calorimetry;
- Applications in other fields.

The call for abstracts is closed.