Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

CALOR 2022 - 19th International Conference on Calorimetry in Particle Physics

University of Sussex

University of Sussex

Falmer Campus, Brighton, Sussex, BN1 9QH, United Kingdom
Antonio Ereditato (Universitaet Bern (CH)), Fabrizio Salvatore (University of Sussex (GB)), Iacopo Vivarelli (University of Sussex (GB)), Jim Brau (University of Oregon (US))

Welcome to the 19th Edition of the CALOR Conference. We welcome all participants at the University of Sussex for this conference.

The conference will run in 'blended' mode, with the possibility to participate via Zoom using the details below.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 923 4262 0547

Passcode: 876598

  • Adil Hussain
  • Adrian Irles
  • Aftab Quadri
  • Alessandra Betti
  • Alessandro Saputi
  • Alpana Alpana
  • Anatael CABRERA
  • Andreas Loeschcke Centeno
  • Andrew White
  • Antonella De Santo
  • Antonio Gioiosa
  • Ayşenur Küçükayvaz
  • Baohua Qi
  • Beatrice Jelmini
  • Burak Bilki
  • Charlotte Ann Cooke
  • Charlotte Cavanagh
  • Chen Hu
  • Christos Papageorgakis
  • Cong Zhao
  • Corrado Gatto
  • César Jesús-Valls
  • Daniele Paesani
  • Darina Zavazieva
  • Dejing Du
  • Elisa Di Meco
  • emmauel hammond
  • Etiennette Auffray
  • Fabrizio Salvatore
  • Fatma Boran
  • Federico Ferri
  • Francois Lagarde
  • Furkan Dolek
  • Gabriele Bigongiari
  • Hans Theodor Josef Steiger
  • Henric Wilkens
  • Iacopo Vivarelli
  • Imad Laktineh
  • Jeffrey John Hartnell
  • Jianbei Liu
  • Jim Brau
  • John Michael Hauptman
  • José Luis Carrasco Huillca
  • Julia Lynne Gonski
  • Kalina Stoimenova
  • Katherine Dunne
  • Kutlu Kagan Sahbaz
  • Lea Di Noto
  • Liyuan Zhang
  • Lorenzo Pacini
  • Lorenzo Pezzotti
  • Louis Portales
  • Marina Chadeeva
  • Marius Wigmans
  • Mehmet Tosun
  • Michele Livan
  • Muhammad Farooq
  • Nadja Strobbe
  • Nicolas Morange
  • Nural Akchurin
  • Patrick Schwendimann
  • Pavel Starovoitov
  • Pawel Klimek
  • Pietro Betti
  • Piyush Kumar
  • Polina Simkina
  • Radoslav Simeonov
  • Randy Ruchti
  • Ren-Yuan Zhu
  • Rhiannon Jones
  • Richard Diurba
  • Roman Poeschl
  • Romualdo Santoro
  • Ryan Peter Mckenzie
  • Saad Shaikh
  • Sanghyun Ko
  • Seh Wook Lee
  • Shuichi Kunori
  • Simone Pigazzini
  • Stefano Miscetti
  • Sven Menke
  • Ted Kolberg
  • Tomas Davidek
  • Wilf Shorrock
  • Xin Liu
  • Yihui Lai
  • Yong Liu
  • Yong Song
  • Yukun Shi
  • Yunjae Lee
  • Yunlong Zhang
  • Yuri Venturini
  • Ziyu Zhang
  • Zoltan Gecse
    • Coffee/Tea on arrival
    • 1
      Welcome and Introduction
      Speaker: Fabrizio Salvatore (University of Sussex (GB))
    • Session 1 - LHC 1
      Convener: Jim Brau (University of Oregon (US))
      • 2
        Ten years of operations of the CMS ECAL
        Speaker: Federico Ferri (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))
      • 3
        Scintillating sampling ECAL technology for the Upgrade II of LHCb
        Speaker: Etiennette Auffray Hillemanns (CERN)
      • 4
        Design and test-beam results from the FoCal-H demonstrator prototype
        Speaker: Radoslav Simeonov (University of Sofia - St. Kliment Ohridski (BG))
      • 5
        Performance and calibration of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter
        Speaker: Tomas Davidek (Charles University (CZ))
    • Coffee Break
    • Session 2 - Neutrino 1
      Convener: Nadja Strobbe (University of Minnesota (US))
      • 6
        Calibrating the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment
        Speaker: Rhiannon Jones
      • 7
        Calorimetry in a neutrino observatory: the JUNO experiment
        Speaker: Beatrice Jelmini (Università degli Studi di Padova & INFN Padova)
      • 8
        TAO: The Taishan Antineutrino Observatory
        Speaker: Hans Theodor Josef Steiger (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz and Cluster of Excellence PRISMA+)
      • 9
        Energy reconstruction and calibration of the MicroBooNE LArTPC
        Speaker: Richard Diurba (University of Bern)
    • Lunch Break
    • Session 3 - New Technologies 1
      Convener: Andrew White (University of Texas at Arlington (US))
    • Coffee Break
    • Session 4 - Future Colliders 1
      Convener: Etiennette Auffray Hillemanns (CERN)
      • 14
        Noble Liquid calo for FCC-ee
        Speaker: Nicolas Morange (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))
      • 15
        Design and performance studies of the electromagnetic calorimeter for STCF
        Speaker: Yong Song
      • 16
        The SiD Digital ECal Based on Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors
        Speaker: Jim Brau (University of Oregon (US))
      • 17
        RADiCAL: Precision-timing, Ultracompact, Radiation-hard Electromagnetic Calorimetry
        Speaker: Randy Ruchti (University of Notre Dame (US))
      • 18
        Inorganic Scintillators for future HEP experiments
        Speakers: Ren-Yuan Zhu (California Institute of Technology), Ren-Yuan Zhu (California Institute of Technology)
    • 19
      Reception at Horatio's Bar (brighton Pier)
    • Coffee/Tea on arrival
    • Session 5 - Calorimeter Technologies for Future Colliders 1
      Convener: Lorenzo Pacini (Universita e INFN, Firenze (IT))
    • Coffee Break
    • Session 6 - Calorimeters using crystals/scintillators/ceramics
      Convener: Federico Ferri (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))
      • 24
        Using artificial intelligence in the reconstruction of signals from the PADME electromagnetic calorimeter
        Speaker: Kalina Stoimenova (Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski")
      • 25
        FASER’s Electromagnetic Calorimeter Test-Beam Studies
        Speaker: Charlotte Cavanagh (University of Liverpool (GB))
      • 26
        The impact of crystal light yield non-proportionality on a typical calorimetric space experiment: beam test measurements and MonteCarlo simulations
        Speaker: Lorenzo Pacini (Universita e INFN, Firenze (IT))
      • 27
        The Status of the DAMPE BGO calorimeter in space
        Speakers: Cong Zhao, Cong Zhao (USTC), Cong Zhao (中国科学技术大学)
    • Lunch Break
    • Session 7 - Applications of Calorimetric Techniques 1
      Convener: Ted Kolberg (Florida State University (US))
      • 28
        QuARC: A Quality Assurance Range Calorimeter for Proton Therapy
        Speaker: Saad Shaikh
      • 29
        FERS-5200: a distributed Front-End Readout System for multidetector arrays
        Speaker: Yuri Venturini
      • 30
        Proton energy reconstruction with ASTRA
        Speaker: Cesar Jesus Valls (IFAE-BIST)
      • 31
        Including calorimeter test-beams into geant-val - the physics validation testing suite of Geant4
        Speaker: Lorenzo Pezzotti (CERN)
      • 32
        Systematic Study of LED Stimulated Recovery of Radiation Damage in Optical Materials
        Speaker: Kutlu Kagan Sahbaz (Beykent University (TR))
    • Coffee Break
    • Session 8 - New Technologies 2
      Convener: Louis Portales (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
      • 33
        Status of ADRIANO2 R&D in T1604 Collaboration
        Speaker: Corrado Gatto (INFN & NIU)
      • 34
        Performance Study of a New Cluster Splitting Algorithm for the Reconstruction of PANDA EMC Data
        Speaker: Ziyu Zhang (IHEP)
      • 35
        Novel ultrafast Lu2O3 ceramics for future HEP applications
        Speaker: Chen Hu (California Institute of Technology (US))
      • 36
        Hadron-Induced radiation damage in fast heavy inorganic scintillators
        Speaker: Liyuan Zhang (California Institute of Technology (US))
    • Coffee/Tea on arrival
    • 37
      Info about excursion
      Speaker: Fabrizio Salvatore (University of Sussex (GB))
    • Session 9 - Calorimeter Technologies for Future Colliders 2
      Convener: Seh Wook Lee (Kyungpook National University (KR))
      • 38
        The CALICE SiW ECAL Prototype
        Speaker: Roman Poeschl (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))
      • 39
        Crilin: a semi-homogeneous calorimeter for a future Muon Collider
        Speaker: Elisa Di Meco (INFN e Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (IT))
      • 40
        Development of Novel Designs of Resistive Plate Chambers
        Speaker: Burak Bilki (Beykent University (TR), The University of Iowa (US))
      • 41
        Particle Identification for Dual-readout Calorimeter using Deep Learning
        Speaker: Yunjae Lee (University of Seoul, Department of Physics (KR))
    • Coffee Break
    • Session 10 - Calorimeter Technologies for Future Collider 3
      Convener: Alessandra Betti (Sapienza Università e INFN, Roma I (IT))
      • 42
        Performance at testbeam andsimulation of the CALICE SiW ECAL prototype
        Speaker: Adrian Irles (IFIC CSIC/UV)
      • 43
        3D shower shape reconstruction with the dual-readout calorimeter
        Speaker: Sang Hyun Ko (Seoul National University (KR))
      • 44
        Homogeneous dual-readout electromagnetic calorimetry
        Speaker: Yihui Lai (University of Maryland (US))
    • Coffee/Tea on arrival
    • Session 14 - Future Colliders 2
      Convener: Nicolas Morange (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))
    • Coffee Break
    • Session 15 - Applications of calorimetric techniques 3
      Convener: Rhiannon Jones
      • 72
        Mu2e crystal calorimeter front-end electronics: design, characterisation, and radiation hardness
        Speaker: Daniele Paesani (Universita e INFN, Bari (IT))
      • 73
        (Un)reasonable effectiveness of NN in Cherenkov calorimetry
        Speakers: Shuichi Kunori (Texas Tech University (US)), Shuichi Kunori (Texas Tech University (US))
      • 74
        A high-performance electromagnetic calorimeter for neutrino physics in the DUNE Near Detector complex
        Speaker: Lea Di Noto (INFN e Universita Genova (IT))
      • 75
        Development of an Argon Light Source as a Calibration and Quality Control Device for Liquid Argon Light Detectors
        Speakers: Burak Bilki (Beykent University (TR), The University of Iowa (US)), Mehmet Tosun (Beykent University (TR))
    • Lunch Break
    • Session 16 - New technologies 3
      Convener: Iacopo Vivarelli (University of Sussex (GB))
    • 79
      Concluding Remarks, Prizes and Thanks
      Speakers: Fabrizio Salvatore (University of Sussex (GB)), Jim Brau (University of Oregon (US))
    • Coffee Break