15–20 May 2022
University of Sussex
Europe/London timezone

Silicon Photomultiplier dual-readout calorimeter for future electron-positron colliders

Not scheduled
University of Sussex

University of Sussex

Falmer Campus, Brighton, Sussex, BN1 9QH, United Kingdom


The next step in the high-energy physics programme will likely be based on a circular electron-positron collider to allow for in-depth exploration of the Z, W, H boson properties. This programme is calling for a new generation of experiments aiming at extreme precision measurements of trajectories and energies for all the possible final-state particles produced in the collisions. IDEA (Innovative Detector for Electron-positron Accelerators) is a detector conceptual design that has selected a dual-readout fibre calorimeter to match the requirements, for both electromagnetic and hadronic shower energy measurements, with a single integrated detector.

The dual-readout calorimetric technique reconstructs the event-by-event electromagnetic fraction of hadronic shower through the simultaneous measurement of the scintillating (S) and the Cherenkov (C) light produced in the shower development. The new generation of prototypes based on SiPM readout is adding an unprecedented granularity to the well-known energy resolution performance. A first small prototype has been tested on beam from 2016 to 2018 demonstrating 1) the viability of the concept with this readout, 2) a good linearity response in a large energy range even if a special care has to be applied to eliminate any cross-talk effects among fibres.

A new prototype, designed to fully contain an electromagnetic shower with a core readout by 320 SiPMs, is under construction. It opens the way to assess a series of challenges which will bring the proof a concept to a scalable solution optimized for the next-generation experiments. The tests performed with an ASIC-based readout boards, the new assembly concept and the preliminary commissioning performed in view of the next beam test will be discussed.


Romualdo Santoro (Insubria University and INFN - MI)

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