Future electron-positron collider experiments, aiming at precise measurement of the Higgs boson, electroweak physics and the top quark, set a high demand on the calorimetry system. Based on the particle-flow paradigm, a novel highly granular crystal electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL) is proposed to address major challenges from jet reconstruction and to achieve the optimal EM energy resolution of around $\rm 2-3~\%/\sqrt{E(GeV)}$ with the homogenous structure. Plenty of R&D efforts have been carried on to evaluate the requirements and potentials of the crystal calorimeter concept from sensitive detection units to a full sub-detector system. The requirements on crystal candidates, photon sensors as well as readout electronics are parameterized and quantified in Geant4 full simulation. Experiments including characterisations of crystals and silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) have been followed to validate and improve the simulation results. Physics performance of the crystal ECAL has also been studied with the particle-flow algorithm "ArborPFA" which is also being optimised. A dedicated reconstruction software is also being developed for a detector layout with long crystal bars arranged to be orthogonal to each other in every two neighbouring longitudinal layers. Furthermore, a small-scale detector module with a crystal matrix and SiPM arrays is under development for future beam tests to study the performance for EM showers. This contribution will present the latest results on the detector simulation and reconstruction, hardware developments and physics potentials.