15–20 May 2022
University of Sussex
Europe/London timezone

The Status of the DAMPE BGO calorimeter in space

Not scheduled
University of Sussex

University of Sussex

Falmer Campus, Brighton, Sussex, BN1 9QH, United Kingdom


Cong Zhao (中国科学技术大学)


The Dark Matter Particle Explorer (DAMPE) is a Chinese cosmic-ray detection satellite and was launched into a sun-synchronous orbit at an altitude of 500 km. It is in continuous data taking since its successful launch at the end of 2015. DAMPE consists of four sub-detectors: a plastic scintillator strip detector, a silicon–tungsten tracker–converter, a BGO calorimeter, and a neutron detector. The BGO calorimeter, a key sub-detector of DAMPE, is a total absorption-type calorimeter composed of 308 BGO crystals. It contains 14 layers (∼32 radiation lengths, ∼1.6 nuclear interaction lengths), and each layer consists of 22 BGO crystal bars with dimensions of 25 mm×25 mm×600 mm. The BGO crystal bars of neighboring layers are arranged orthogonally, and PMTs are coupled to each end of BGO crystals to signal readout. The BGO calorimeter is designed to precisely measure energy, distinguish efficiently electron/hadron showers, and provide the trigger for the DAMPE. I will introduce the performance of the BGO calorimeter based on orbit data, which includes the calibration in space, the energy measurement, and electron/proton separation power. The recent results will also be presented.


Cong Zhao (中国科学技术大学)

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