The CALICE technological RPC-based SDHCAL prototype that fulfils all the requirements of compactness, hermeticity and power budget of the future lepton accelerator experiments, has been extensively tested and has provided excellent results in terms of the energy resolution and shower separation.
New phase of R&D to validate completely the SDHCAL option for the International Linear Detector (ILD) project of the ILC and also the Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) has started with the conception and the realization of new prototypes.
One of the new prototypes proposes to exploit the excellent time resolution provided by RPC and more precisely the multigap version (MRPC) detectors in order to better build the hadronic showers with the aim to better separate them and also to single out the contribution of delayed neutrons.
To exploit the excellent time precision of RPC/MRPC an electronic readout system using the PETIROC ASIC with its internal TDC (50-100 ps time resolution) on a board equipped with 1 cm X 1cm or 2 cm X 2 cm pickup pads.
The progress realized on the detector and the readout electronics conception will be presented and the future steps will be discussed.