WG1 periodic meeting
Meeting 23.10.2019
About 10-15 people attended it.
Notes on questions / discussion
* Can non-UFO models be validated with this procedure too?
The SMEFT tool comparisons is done through a madgraph plugin and based on LHE.
Codes that are not in the UFO format can still be validated, as long as they can produce numerical predictions for given processes in .lhe format.
* Question on the meaning of inclusive on the last slide.
Inclusive here means, adding the leptonic, semi-leptonic, and fully hadronic.
In particular, fully hadronic state could have a great potential, in particular when using jet substructure techniques.
* Which processes among those considered are most likely to be measured?
twj tzj
tgamma j
* Given that unitarity has to be preserved physically, effects that grow with E will be compensated/washed out at some point before the unitarity bound is reached. this happens due to similar dependence in other dim6 operators or at order dim >= 8. how much does the analysis rely on assumptions on these contributions? [also to Riva]
For dimension 8 it's very difficult to estimate, because we don't even have a complete basis at this order. we assume they will remain subdominant. for all the processes considered, with the current sensitivity we never reach the unitarity bound. then there is always some assumption going in, but the point is a sensitivity estimates and still holds.
* Do you plan to extend this study to other signatures (not only ss WW)?
Yes, there is potential and analysing ZZ and WZ could be useful.
Ilaria Brivio and Mathieu Pellen