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15–17 Jan 2020
Santiago de Compostela
Europe/Zurich timezone

Bootstrapping Quantum Field Theories

15 Jan 2020, 09:00
Santiago de Compostela

Santiago de Compostela

Hospederia de San Martiño Pinario Plaza de la Inmaculada, 3 15704 Santiago de Compostela


João Penedones (EPFL)


I will review the recent revival of the S-matrix Bootstrap approach to QFT. I will also present a new method that relies on unitarity formulated as positive semi-definiteness of the matrix of inner products between asymptotic states (in and out) and states created by the action of local operators on the vacuum. The corresponding matrix elements involve scattering amplitudes, form factors and spectral densities of local operators. We test this method in two-dimensional QFTs by setting up a linear optimization problem that gives a lower bound on the central charge of the UV CFT associated to a QFT with a given mass spectrum of stable particles (and couplings between them).

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