29–31 Jan 2020
University of Venda
Africa/Johannesburg timezone

Visualising Event Data from the Transition Radiation Detector in ALICE at CERN

31 Jan 2020, 14:00
University of Venda

University of Venda

Senate Chamber P/Bag X 5050 Thohoyandou, 0950


Sameshan Perumal (University of Cape Town (ZA))


The Transition Radiation Detector (TRD), part of the ALICE Experiment at CERN, is used for electron identification, triggering and tracking. This work presents a prototype of an event display, customised for the TRD, that provides a portable, projection based display of tracks, tracklets and raw data within the detector, outside the classic ROOT environment. The prototype provides a novel ability to view ADC level data associated with displayed tracklets, as well as a 3-dimensional interactive view. This work lays the foundation for development of future browser-based event displays, and provides guidance for user-centric design in this space.


Sameshan Perumal (University of Cape Town (ZA))


Thomas Dietel (University of Cape Town (ZA) (UCT))

Presentation materials